Friday, September 20

“At least he would have left me a note saying goodbye”, the suspicion of the mother of the soldier Juan Muñoz

“Al menos me hubiera dejado una nota despidiéndose”, la sospecha de la madre del soldado Juan Muñoz

Juan Muñoz, Hispanic soldier.

Photo: Elizabeth Rivera / EFE

Elizabeth Muñoz Rivera , mother of Juan Muñoz , soldier of origin Hispanic of the Army American who had been missing for more than two months and whose body was found lifeless insisted on rejecting the version that his son took his own life and has even hinted that he was disappeared as happened in the case of Vanessa Guillén .

The lifeless body of the soldier Juan Muñoz , who was wanted by New Mexico authorities since the past 20 of February, was found near River Large , as reported by his relatives.

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“Our dear Juan Muñoz has finally come home . Unfortunately, he is no longer with us. Please keep Juan and our family in your prayers, ”wrote his relatives on a Facebook page created during the search for the soldier, from 20 years old.

Local authorities found a lifeless body in the waters on Thursday last week of the Rio Grande next to the Bridge of the Garganta del Río Grande , near the town of Taos, in New Mexico.

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According to local media, the body was discovered by a person who I was canoeing on the river near the bridge where the 21 February the soldier’s car was found.

Muñoz, from 20 years, was last seen on Saturday 20 February and was scheduled to spend the weekend at the National Guard Armory in Rio Ranch , in New Mexico , but did not return on Sunday. That same day he was reported missing by his sergeant.

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One of the mother’s suspicions is because the young man already wanted to leave the Army “When I asked him what was the reason he wanted to leave, he only told me that it was something, it was the privacy of the place, that he couldn’t tell me, “the mother told Univision.

The woman also said that the officers of the River Ranch assured that they they were the ones who wanted to remove him from their ranks because he had suicidal behavior based on psychological reports after the death of his girlfriend and one of his uncles.

“No It is normal the way he disappeared, it is not normal that he has left all his things, he n or he had us with this concern ”, the woman insisted, especially when remembering the case of Vanessa Guillén who the 22 April 2020 was killed at Fort Hood , in the parking lot of the barracks where she was parked with the 3rd Regiment of Cavalry and whose body was not found until three months later, in June of 2020.

“At least I would have left one note saying goodbye “, said the mother in another interview for the Efe agency.

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