Friday, September 20

Why the entrance of Jupiter to Pisces is the best thing that can happen to us in 2021

The transit of Jupiter in Pisces did not happen since 2011. Astrologers have called this cosmic event one of the most anticipated of the year

Jupiter represents luck, fortune and expansion.

Photo: GustavoAckles / Pixabay

Miguel Angel Castillo

Astrologers have described the transit of Jupiter in Pisces as the most anticipated of the 2021 for a powerful reason: it promises us fortune and hope. The largest planet in the Solar System represents luck, abundance and expansion and his arrival at the last zodiac sign is the cosmic event of the year and this began to happen 13 May.

This union had not occurred since 2011 and the energy that emanates is like a celestial mantle that gives us protection , so the next few days will be the best of the year. However, its effects are probably not immediately felt because in May also begins the eclipse season and a Mercury retrograde , explained astrologer Narayana Montúfar to Refinery 29.

Jupiter will re-enter Aquarius on 21 July and will return to Pisces on 28 from December, and from Montufar’s perspective, this is when things will get more interesting.

We are still far from that date, but in the short period of Jupiter in Pisces we will feel a small test of what awaits us for the 2022. The astrologer explained that, in recent years, the gas giant has gone through rigid signs such as Capricorn and Aquarius. When he enters Pisces he feels comfortable because in traditional astrology it is the governing sign, for that reason life will feel much easier .

In the environment you will feel a good vibe, the tensions that we drag from the 2020 and beginnings of 2021 will begin to relax and we will be more harmonious . Pisces energy is optimistic, creative and spiritual; As Jupiter is the planet of expansion, all this will multiply so you just have to have faith to receive luck, fortune and wealth, mainly in love, explained astrologer Leslie Hale in turn.

In addition, Pisces is the dreaming sign of the Zodiac and the influence of the largest planet will propitiate that our dreams become reality, so astrologers recommend letting our imagination run wild and listening to our intuition.

What to expect during the transit of Jupiter in Pisces

In all of us there will be a generalized mysticism and an explosion of spiritual well-being could happen. Being Pisces one of the most sensitive signs will promote a change of consciousness as we explore our interior, so we must be careful with excesses , recommended astrologer Aliza Kelly in a Cosmopolitan article.

He predicted that during this period the music festivals and the releases of new songs by our favorite artists will abound because Pisces is associated with the fine arts and Jupiter will catalyze the musical movement.

One of the most important themes of this transit will be freedom, which is why astrologers believe that, from now on, the return to normality that we knew more than a year ago will begin.

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