Sunday, September 29

Gattuso to Chucky Lozano: “Shut up and don't answer me”

The deal between the Napoli technical director Gennaro Gattuso and the international Hirving “Chucky” Lozano seems not to be the best, and proof of that are the scolding and misunderstandings that this pair has starred in.

During the 5-1 win against Undinense , the coach strongly scolded the Mexican, and the cry was caught by the Italian media that covered the match.


Gattusso reprimanded Hirving Lozano during the duel between Napoli and Udinese 😔

It should be noted that this euphoric cry of the Italian DT was prior to the goal of “Chucky” 💪 # Gattuso # SerieA # Napoli # HirvingLozano # chuckylozano # SSCNapoli V2UpYkBO

– Fanbolero (@fanbolero) May 12, 2021

Shut up and don’t answer me! ”Gattuso exclaimed to Lozano after a brief impasse between them, registered at the minute 25 of the match , when the score was still 0-0.

Without However, after that the spirits calmed down and they cleared up the misunderstanding with a hug , as indicated by SKY Sports and Gazzetta Dello Sports.


As if he were his father, Gennaro Gattuso gave him a wake-up call to Hirving Lozano🇲🇽 during the match vs Udinese.

The DT asked the player to have more application in his role and even yelled at him: “shut up and don’t answer me.” Fortunately Chucky scored a goal

– RN Deportes (@ RNDeportes1) May 11, 2021

Apparently the local media know Gattuso’s attitude very well, and they affirmed that the screams are a kind of stimulus for Lozano to be one of the best players on the team.

Chucky leads 11 goals in Serie A, and 15 in season, making it the fifth Mexican with the most goals in Europe .

“In the silence of the Diego Armando Maradona Stadium you can hear the hoarse voice of Gattuso, which especially reminds the Mexican who has enormous potential “, he published the Gazzetta.