Monday, September 30

Republican states eliminate supplemental unemployment insurance benefits

On average, the unemployment benefit in the states represents $ 330 dollars per week, with the federal supplement, beneficiaries receive $ 630. This in one month is equivalent to an outlay for the government of $ 2, 520 dollars and a year implies $ 30, 240 year

Estados republicanos eliminan beneficios complementarios al seguro de desempleo
Republicans say that many Americans do not want to work and that they only want to receive the money for unemployment assistance, plus its supplement.

Photo: Joe Raedle / Getty Images

Luis Diaz

Republican governors went from speech to action , then that last weekend they announced that they would withdraw the supplemental unemployment benefits in order for the Americans who govern to seek employment and not only receive income from aid.

According to the Republican Party, the measure it is taking will help companies to vacancies that they have available . Therefore, states such as Alabama, Iowa and Mississippi joined Arkansas, Montana and South Carolina to suppress aid.

The cut that the opposition leaders are promoting Democrats, will delete the $ 300 additional federal dollars that are given per week . Additionally, regular state unemployment benefits will be eliminated. The supplemental benefit will not expire until September 6, 2021.

Arizona reestablished the policy that establishes that people who aspire to collect unemployment benefits must actively seek work. Vermont also re-implemented a similar policy starting this week.

On average, the unemployment benefit in the states represents $ 330 dollars per week, with the federal supplement, beneficiaries receive $ 520 . This in one month is equivalent to an outlay for the government of $ 2, 520 dollars and a year implies $ 30, 240 per year.

Based on these parameters, Republicans have argued that these figures have prevented Americans from seeking employment, since According to them, these benefits represent more money than a worker with the minimum wage can earn .

Despite this position, President Biden spoke in a message to the nation the past 10 of May that Americans want to work and that there is no evidence whatsoever to claim that this is different. However, the autonomy of the governors allows them to cut these federal benefits .

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