Monday, September 30

The luckiest day in May is yet to come: How the zodiac signs should take advantage of it

Jupiter’s entry into Pisces represents a moment of good fortune. Learn how it will benefit your zodiac sign once this transit happens

El día con más suerte de mayo está por llegar: Cómo deben aprovecharlo los signos del Zodiaco
Your sign Zodiacal will benefit from Jupiter’s entry into Pisces.

Photo: Maksim Goncharenok / Pexels


The 14 May is one of the most anticipated days for astrology lovers. Jupiter, the planet of luck, expansion and growth will arrive in Pisces , a sign that governs and in which he feels comfortable.

Why should we be so excited about this astrological event? It happens that Jupiter spends a year in Each sign, in fact, is now in Aquarius and its passage through Pisces only occurs for a few days that will span from 14 May to 28 of July. Then the planet returns to Aquarius and the next time I return home it will be until from December.

The entrance of Jupiter to Pisces will fill the atmosphere of fortune , but if you want a more personalized forecast, check out what’s in store for your zodiac sign, as predicted by astrologer Lisa Stardust on Hello Giggles.


Energy Jupiter in Pisces will make you take care of everything that comes your way and you can get ahead if you put in the effort. Nothing can stand in your way to success because you are now protected by the cosmos. Taurus

This is the perfect opportunity to exceed your own expectations. The universe is on your side to achieve your goals and more, mainly, if they are work. Gemini

New job opportunities will come, but you will have to analyze carefully and with an open mind . You have to be careful, because the decision you make will influence the long term.


You must trust yourself to achieve what you want. While it is important to be happy with what we have, especially because not everyone has what they want, Cancer will have the opportunity to attract what they most crave.


Has lately had Overspending and your finances could come to a head. The entrance of Jupiter to Pisces is like a balm for your economy because it augurs you a good time. However, you should stop being overly generous.


Currently, Virgo’s heart opens easily to others and is gaining appreciation from many, but must Keep in mind that not all relationships are worth it. This transit is ideal to be more selective.


It is governed by high standards of honesty and transparency, mainly at work. There are people who do not meet these requirements and that could frustrate you since sometimes you agree to do things that do not go according to your values. This transit will give you strength to pass up the “opportunities” that do not meet your standards.


This year has been good for Scorpio. You feel like you are having a wonderful time and you don’t want to move anything. The transit of Jupiter in Pisces could give you something else: romance and creativity. You should not miss it, because this opportunity might not present itself for a long time.


You are probably feeling suffocated by the current situation. Sagittarius needs to have space and feel free. This transit will help you to be lucky if what you want is to change your life. Moving to another space or city will help you have another perspective.


Social, work, family and emotional relationships are good at this time for Capricorn, this year has been like a magnet for people. The lesson now is to learn to appreciate others.


Money and material wealth has been an issue that has not been a priority for you because fortune is on your side. Take advantage of that momentum to practice the Law of Attraction and have great blessings in the coming months.


Optimism is leading Pisces to experiences exciting and new people. The recommendation is to take things to heart because otherwise you might feel overwhelmed.

It may interest you: Astrology predicts that Taurus, Scorpio and Pisces will have the best week of 2021: Because