Monday, September 30

How to meditate at home to achieve peace and harmony in your daily life

Meditation reduces stress, anxiety, improves well-being, sleep, and overall health. However, to be effective we must make sure we do it the right way

Cómo meditar en casa para lograr paz y armonía en tu vida cotidiana
Meditation is a technique that can be done at home.

Photo: cottonbro / Pexels

Miguel Angel Castillo

One of the first steps to enter the world of mindfulness is meditation, activity that can help us find peace, balance and clarity . This technique reduces stress, anxiety, improves well-being, sleep and general health, however, we must make sure we do it the right way to be effective.

Meditation has been practiced for centuries, one of its main benefits being able to do it anywhere. In the current situation in which we find ourselves, many people have chosen to practice it at home to have harmony in times of uncertainty . From experts tell us how to meditate at home.

First step: Choose the method that suits us

There are different meditation methods ranging from simple breathing techniques , gratitude, spiritual meditations, mindfulness, transcendental and zen, among many others. Experts recommend investigating each one and finding the one that best suits our objectives.

Second step: Decide the time and place

Meditating must become a daily routine for it to work, and > . Always choose the same time, in the morning when you wake up, in the afternoon after work or at night before going to sleep. Always do it in the same place, making sure it is quiet and free from distractions. To enhance your experience, help yourself to a candle, incense, or relaxing music. As for the time, you can start with 5 or 05 minutes.

Third step: Find a comfortable position

The flower position of lotus is the most popular, but it might be uncomfortable for some people. If this is your case, choose to sit on a cushion, a chair or on the sofa, the key is to have a straight back , with the neck, shoulders relaxed and eyes closed .

Step Four: Set an Intent

Before starting, think about the reason why you want to meditate. If it is from stress, anxiety, you want clarity or improve your sleep problems. Whatever the reason, if you are clear about it, it will be of great help.

Fifth step: Focus on the present

It is the beginning basic mindfulness. It is essential to be present because this way you will learn to control your mind and live at the exact moment . It is normal that it is not easy at first, because there will be many distractions around you. But if you ask others to respect your moments of meditation and you do it daily, you can do it. One of the best ways to stay focused is to concentrate on your breath.

It may interest you: What attitudes you should leave behind if you want to start enjoying your life, according to the principles of mindfulness