Friday, September 20

These are the most powerful passports in 2021

During the 16 years of history of the index, the first places were traditionally occupied by the countries of the European Union, the United Kingdom or the United States

A study prepared by the consultancy Henley & Partners classifies the world passports according to the number of destinations to which their holders can access without a prior visa.

According to this index, called the Henley Passport Index 2021, Japan has the passport most powerful in the world . It is the third consecutive year that the Japanese country occupies this position, either alone or together with Singapore.

What does this mean?

Although mobility has been affected at the global in a world transformed by the effects of the Covid pandemic – 19, moving without bureaucratic demands offers a lot of freedom to travelers who hold some of these powerful nationalities.

The Japanese passport offers the greatest freedom when traveling, since opens the doors of 191 countries, without the need for a visa.

In second place is Singapore , with a score of 190 , a position it also held last year.

In third position , with 189 and without taking into account the rest temporary ricions, tied Germany and South Korea , followed in fourth position by Italy, Finland, Spain and Luxembourg , all with a score of 188 .

Denmark and Austria occupy the fifth place , both with 187 ; while in the sixth position we find a tie at 186 between Sweden, France, Portugal, the Netherlands and Ireland.

In this list of the most powerful 10 are also Switzerland, United States, United Kingdom, Norway, Belgium and New Zealand, in 7th place with 185) ; Greece, Malta, Czech Republic and Australia (in eighth position with 184); Canada (in ninth place, with 183); and Hungary (in tenth place with 182).

The last positions in the ranking are held by Syria, Iraq and Afghanistan, whose passports allow visa-free access to 29, 28 and 26 countries respectively.