Thursday, September 19

Gelena Solano from 'El Gordo y La Flaca' witnessed with her husband a shooting in Times Square

Gelena Solano has shared a video with her Instagram followers where minutes before she recounted having witnessed a strong shooting right in the place where she was with her husband in one of the largest tourist areas of New York.

The Dominican journalist who has collaborated for more than 15 years for “ El Gordo Y La Flaca ”She told her fans looking visibly upset and nervous at what she had to witness while visiting the area known as Times Square in Manhattan.

Solano said that at full daylight and out of nowhere they had to run for their lives because a shooting occurred right where she and her husband were walking Steve Cutuli , said he was fine but sympathized with the people injured by this violent event where a minor was injured.

From one moment to another we heard a shooting, logically Steve grabs me and we start running “, he explains in his video. “ There was a shooting, several injured, including a 4-year-old girl and we are very sorry. It is a very sad situation “, he said.

The couple explained that since they arrived at the place the atmosphere felt” tense. ” “ We were truly very, very, very lucky. We heard that and we ran … we saw everything , “she added, affected and explaining that her car was parked on the same street as the events, they were even heard to say that one of the affected women had stopped to drink a photo with them.

The couple was in this touristy part just celebrating that Solano would have managed to have a great poster in one of the spectacular that flood the area and a few minutes before the tragic events he got on his networks to share his emotion with his fans.

Super happy with my poster on one of the biggest screens “, she wrote proudly under the post.

Without imagining that a few minutes later she would be involved in a shooting of national resonance in the United States.

His fans have left him hundreds of messages and blessings after sharing their experience so close to the tragedy and that fortunately he was unharmed.

Thank God they came out well “, “ Thank God they are well God saved you blessings ” , “ My God what madness! Times Square my favorite place, what sadness “,” What insecurity is not the same at home we are better God take care of you “, wrote some users of the networks.