Sunday, September 29

El Niño Prodigy Horoscope May 9, 2021

El Niño Prodigy gives us his predictions for the 12 Zodiac signs in your daily horoscope. Check what the stars have in store for you

Horóscopo de El Niño Prodigio 9 de mayo de 2021
The Child Prodigy.

Photo: Courtesy



03 / 21 – 05 / 19

Your social life will be reactivated and you will have revealing encounters. It will be an excellent time for you to connect with your friends and to launch yourself in some new group activity. You will come up with very original ideas and your initiatives will set trends.


04 / 19 – 05 / 20

A person you admire will give you a lot of confidence on a spiritual level and will help you reconnect with faith. Remember that your existence has a purpose and that you have incarnated on this plane to fulfill a divine mission. Your inner voice will show you the way.


04 / 21 – 06 / 21

Your circle of friends will open up and you will meet very like-minded people with whom you will share different interests. It could be an excellent opportunity for you to bet on a project or group venture. Also, rejoice because you will get good news from abroad.


6 / 22 – 7 / 19

You will pass an important test and this will fill you with satisfaction. You will realize that you have very powerful weapons to fight and make your way in life. Your father, your mother or someone you admire will give you their support and recognition.


08 / 21 – 07 / 21

Contacts with other regions will be very positive. You may get good news from abroad or you may meet people from different cultures. It will be a good opportunity for you to sign up in some kind of languages, expand your knowledge!


08 / 21 – 08 / 22

You will be more ambitious and have a good nose for business. If you have to buy a new phone, renew your computer or any other household appliance today could be a good day since the stars indicate that you will make good investments.


09 / 23 – 10 / 22

You will develop in a very free way and this will impact in a very positive way in your environment. If you are in a couple, you will notice that love and interest are renewed. If you are single you could meet someone at a meeting or a party, you will catch all eyes!


10 / 23 – 10 / 22

You will have desires to put order in your home. Take advantage of this positive impulse to get rid of those old junk that only takes up space. If you need extra motivation, you can put on music that you like. You will have the collaboration of your family members.


12 / 22 – 12 / 21

Venus, the star of love, will influence in a very positive way your love life in the next 24 days. If you are in a couple you will notice that the desire to be together is renewed. If you are single there are great chances that in this period you will find a related being.


12 / 21 – 01 / 19

Today you will feel the urge to protect your affections . You may give a relative a gift or help them move forward with a personal project. Also, it could be a good time for you to plan a family trip.


02 / 20 – 03 / 18

Today the flame of your curiosity will be lit and you will burn with the desire to explore the world around you. If you like to write, read or learn new things, take advantage of this moment of inspiration. Many ideas and occurrences will spring from your mind.


03 / 19 – 04 / 20

Today could be A good day for you to give yourself a personal taste by investing in something that increases your sense of independence and autonomy. In addition, you could receive aid or income that you did not anticipate. Take advantage of the waves of abundance.

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