Friday, September 20

What magical uses in rituals can you give olive oil?

Olive oil, in addition to having health benefits, contains interesting esoteric uses. We tell you how to use it to attract good luck

¿Qué usos mágicos en rituales le puedes dar al aceite de oliva?
Olive oil is used since ancient times in magical rituals.

Photo: Pexels

Miguel Angel Castillo

The olive oil is one of the most common ingredients in cooking. It contains various properties such as improving intestinal health, prevents arthritis, is good for the skin and helps in cognitive functions. But beyond its nutritional benefits, has interesting ritual magical uses .

Ancient cultures such as the Egyptians, Greeks and Romans used it in cooking and for spiritual healing purposes, for example in purifying baths , and the olive branches used them rulers as a symbol of protection.

Spiritually, the olive tree represents peace, joy, tenderness and goodness , therefore, the oil from it It is widely used in rituals. From WeMystic we share some of them.

Light protection

The olive tree, as we mentioned, is a symbol of protection and its oil for many years it served to radiate light. That is why those who were illuminated with its light were believed to receive its protective and healing properties.

Purification of objects

If you wish give some object spiritual protection you just have to draw a pentagram with olive oil on it. Leave it like that overnight and the next morning clean it with a cloth.

Attract good luck

Place olive leaves in the rooms of your house it will serve to have good luck. You can place a sheet on a table or table, so that they do not attract much attention.

Olive wreath on the door of the house

Placing an olive wreath at the entrance will prevent evil from entering the house. You can also place it on the fireplace or on the front door.

Offering with olive oil

Another magical use of olive oil is as a ritual offering . Put a small amount in a small glass jar and place it next to the portrait of a person who is no longer on this plane and you have had a lot of love for him. It is believed that with this small offering you will feel closer to the spirit of that person.

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