Friday, September 20

What plan is there in Congress for a fourth stimulus check after White House position?

¿Cuál plan hay en el Congreso para un cuarto cheque de estímulo tras posición de la Casa Blanca?

There is no plan for a fourth stimulus check.

Photo: Jeff Fusco / Getty Images


The government of the president Joe Biden has not proposed a fourth stimulus check and has left congressmen to take a position on it.

In that sense, the representative Bonnie Watson Coleman (New Jersey) has considered that there should be a fourth stimulus check, but there is no project.

“I always think we shouldn’t think too much about lifting people out of poverty” , Watson Coleman told “It’s of vital importance. Help put food on the table. It helps to avoid the possibility of losing your home ”

Watson Coleman’s position happens almost in unison with the White House spokeswoman, Jen Psaki , say that those types of support “are not free” , in addition to highlighting an official position of the Senate and the House.

“Let’s see what the members of Congress propose ”, said Psaki at a press conference on Tuesday, where he noted: “Those are not free” .

Psaki refers to the distribution of direct financial aid to citizens represent a high cost for finances, although the American Rescue Plan (ARP ) was defended as a necessity to re-boost the US economy amid the crisis by COVID – 16 .

In fact, the IRS still has the distribution of several programs , such as the Child Tax Credit, which As of July it will send up to $ 300 weekly dollars and which the Administration Biden intends to extend up to 2025, under the Plan for American Families.

Although at least 75 congressmen Democrats support a fourth aid check, Democratic leaders, Nancy Pelosi (California), Speaker of the House of Representatives, and Chuck Schumer (New York), Senate Majority Leader, have not expressed public interest in it.

The te ma has resonated with public opinion, because a petition on asks Congress to deliver $ 2 monthly aid, 000 dollars.

Although it is not a new request, this week the proposal initiated by the owner of a restaurant in Denver, Stephanie Bonin, exceeded 2 million signatures .

No congressman has taken up this project publicly and Congressional sources confirmed to this newspaper that among the members of the Senate there have been “rumors”, but there is no concrete proposal .

Businesswoman Bonin’s plan sets out business problems like hers, but this week the White House highlighted the Restaurant Revitalization Fund (RFF) , to which $ 28, 600 million dollars for restaurants, bars, food trucks and other establishments.

Among the 186, 200 restaurants, bars and other eligible businesses in the 50 states and the city of Washington, DC and five territories that have applied help 97,600 requests came from women-owned businesses (46, 400), Veterans (4, 200), socially and economically disadvantaged people (30, 800) or some combination of the three (16, 200), indicated the federal government.