Friday, September 20

AMLO prepares virtual meeting with Kamala Harris; will address the issues of migration and the reopening of the border

Migration, the “Sembrando Vida” program and the reopening of the border, will be the topics that will mark the virtual meeting tomorrow between the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris, and the President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

AMLO alista reunión virtual con Kamala Harris; abordarán los temas de migración y la reapertura de la frontera AMLO alista reunión virtual con Kamala Harris; abordarán los temas de migración y la reapertura de la frontera

AMLO will hold a virtual meeting with Kamala Harris this coming Friday where the central topic will be migration.

Photo: Reform Agency

César Reyes

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, prepares the last details for the virtual meeting that will be held this Friday with the Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris .

During his morning conference, the Mexican president reported that the main topic with Harris will be focused on migration.

Tomorrow’s topic will be immigration basically, that is what is on the agenda, but surely we will be able to talk about other matters of interest to the two nations, “he replied in his traditional morning conference from the National Palace.

Andrés Manuel López Obrador stated that “there are unbeatable conditions in the relationship with the United States”, noting that the vice president of the United States will also make a visit face-to-face to Mexico on June 8.

The Mexican president will also insist on the government representative of Joe Biden , extend the “Sembrando Vida” program to Central America, which consists of giving employment to migrants in exchange for to plant fruit and timber trees.

In tomorrow’s virtual meeting, López Obrador plans to address another of the issues that is fundamental for both nations: the reopening of the common border that is partially closed since 25 March 2020 for non-essential trips, that is, recreational or tourist, this due to the COVID pandemic – .

“We already need to normalize the relationship at the border, they so it is They are considering and the same we are, so it is very likely that this will be achieved soon, they have already advanced a lot in vaccination “, he commented from Mexico City.

The border between Mexico and the United States, which stretches over 3, 000 kilometres , is one of the busiest in the world with more than a million people crossing every day and where exchange goods and services worth 1, 700 million dollars a day.

“Above all, businesses on the US side have been affected, more than on our side, for that reason it is a mutual interest that is open the border completely, ”said the Tabasco president.

López Obrador took advantage of his conference to to thank the messages of solidarity that Mexico has received by r report of foreign governments on the accident of the Mexico City Metro , where so far they have lost their lives people.

“I take this opportunity to thank the peoples, the governments of the world, for their solidarity, for their desire that those who are still in hospitals get out alive, that is what we all want ”, commented

Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin and Justin Trudeau , are some of the leaders who have expressed their solidarity with Mexicans.

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