Friday, September 20

What signs are the biggest heartbreakers in the Zodiac and what to do to overcome them

Either because they are afraid to open their hearts, they are afraid of having a family life or they think that no one is his height, there are 3 signs that are the biggest heartthrob of the Zodiac

Qué signos son los mayores rompecorazones del Zodiaco y qué hacer para superarlos
There are signs who have the reputation of being heartbreakers.

Photo: ZACHARY STAINES / Unsplash

Miguel Angel Castillo

A breakup is not easy for everyone to handle. Forgetting the person who held a special place in your heart could be very complicated, especially when you thought that you had finally found your soul mate. If you are one of those who is blamed every time you suffer a love disappointment, maybe you should turn to the stars .

According to astrology, all signs of the Zodiac are prone to being heartthrob , but only three stand out among the 12 that make up the horoscope. According to the Pinkvilla site, they are always responsible for everything falling apart and sometimes they do it consciously. Either because they are afraid to open their hearts, they are terrified of having a family life or they think that no one is up to them, for whatever reason, are the greatest heartthrob of the Zodiac .

The good news is that the stars can also give us some clues on how to overcome them and the moment of duel is not so rainy.


They always want to be the center of attention and feel wanted. They are not with someone who does not give them your full attention and they often think that people are never going to meet their expectations, which is why they are usually quite heartbreakers. However, if someone comes along who goes out of their way for them they will definitely stay there for a while.


People who are Sagittarius are the most adventurous in the Zodiac. They are independent, free-spirited and their priority is to travel, or at least to be on the move. Therefore, they do not want to feel tied to someone and when they are in a relationship they feel suffocated. If your partner does not allow you to be free and starts to get involved in their things, you could run away immediately. Aquarium

Aquarius is the sign that values ​​its independence the most. He is usually away from the world because he loves to enjoy his own space. While you are not bothered by relationships, you may feel invaded. In addition, he is terrified of opening his heart and when he begins to feel an attachment for another person, he might walk away.

How to beat the Zodiac Heartbreakers

When we suffer a break it is necessary to close that cycle. With the help of a simple ritual you can cut the energy ties with that person and move on . A suggested option from the site is to write down the person’s name on a sheet of paper. Then light a white candle and burn the paper. The ashes must be taken to a high place and let the wind carry them away.

This ritual symbolizes that you must let go of that person who, although he left you a moment of bitterness, it also taught you a great lesson and moments of happiness.

It may interest you: Why does your partner lose interest in you, according to their zodiac sign