Monday, September 30

Woman who invented Hispanic couple tried to kidnap their children could spend 6 months in prison

Katie Sorensen shared two videos in which she pointed out Eduardo and Sadie Martinez of trying to take their little ones away from them. The videos went viral, but it was all a sham

Mujer que inventó que pareja hispana trató de secuestrar a sus hijos podría pasar 6 meses en prisión
The woman tried to become an influencer in for mothers. (File)

Photo: Lisa / Pexels


A woman who went viral after claiming that a Latino couple had tried to take her children away was accused of giving false information to the police , according to various media.

Katie Sorensen now faces two misdemeanor charges after claiming that Eduardo and Sadie Martinez had tried to kidnap their two children from a Petaluma store , in Sonoma County, according to BuzzFeed News , which adds that his next court appearance will be the next 13 of May.

The accused, who pretends to be influencer for parents and who has already blocked their account, he shared videos on Instagram in which he claimed that his children were on the verge of being kidnapped in a manu store alities.

“My children were the target of a attempted kidnapping , which is such a strange thing to vocalize, but it happened and I want to share that story with you ”, He said looking at his cell phone camera.

After posting the videos, Sorensen filed a complaint with the police. But the Somona County District Attorney’s Office has accused her of giving false information to a police officer and giving false information to a police dispatcher. Each of them could carry a maximum penalty of six months in prison .

Erika Margarita Mitchell, family of the affected couple, celebrated in a Facebook post the decision of the prosecutors for a case that has been criticized as an example of racial discrimination.

“Good news for all of us, but especially for my cousin, Sadie Vega-Martinez and her husband Eddie. They were falsely accused by this “influencer” of trying to kidnap their children at a local Michaels store. A serious accusation! She obviously didn’t know who she was messing with . Cousin, I’m so happy that you persisted! ”, The woman wrote on the social network

Sadie Vega-Martínez herself also spoke on Facebook and, by sharing The news of Sorensen’s indictment said that this turn of the story had become “fun” from the moment the that she and her husband were “buying a baby Jesus” last December and the defendant made up the facts.

Sorensen put together his charade with two videos in which he assured his followers that he had been the victim of an “attempted kidnapping” a week earlier. The woman said a couple had followed her around the store and made comments about their children, adding that the man even jumped on her cart.

However, afterwards After investigating the incident and identifying the couple at the store, Petaluma police found no evidence of a crime. What did find was evidence to support the couple’s version of events , who accused Sorensen of racial discrimination for being Latino. Vega-Martínez told local press that they were relieved to learn about the charges against the woman on Thursday.