Sunday, September 29

How to identify if you have a high vibration and what to do to increase it

Know some of the signs that indicate a high vibration and how you can increase it so that things flow well in your life

Cómo identificar si tienes una vibración alta y qué hacer para aumentarla
A high vibration makes things flow positively.

Photo: Jordan Scott / Unsplash


A high vibration allows things to flow well and makes everything possible. This concept is used by experts in metaphysics to describe the energy of the spirit and potentially all people can manifest it consciously or unconsciously.

There are some signs that can help you identify if you have a high vibration . However, this form of energy fluctuates all the time, so the vibrations may not be the same now as within 15 minutes, explained on the site The secret of manifestation.

High vibration signals

It does not mean that you should feel all these symptoms all the time, yes You only identify one or more of them is because you have high vibrations .

If you feel happy, excited or content for no apparent reason.

Things are given to you easily, as they will automatically snap into place.

You are healthy, disease free.

You feel that your body is healthy and injury free.

You don’t live complaining all the time; you accept your life and you feel good about it.

You feel well rested and sleep easily.

The dreams you remember are good.

You manifest the things you want quickly and easily , that is, you have clear your objectives.

You are excited to wake up in the morning; thank you to open your eyes again and see the sun.

You receive e identify the signals that the universe sends you , angels or your spirit guides.

You give and receive love.

Your finances are healthy and you enjoy your work.

Your family, partner and work relationships feel free of drama.

How to increase your vibrations

It is likely that you have not identified with all the signs described, which those connoisseurs say, is normal. The important thing is to know which of them you have and which ones you don’t to work on those that you don’t feel regularly. An exercise that they suggest to increase vibrations is the following :

Sit in a comfortable place and make a list of your thoughts for today to highlight what things are. that take up more space in your mind. You should not think about it too much, write down the first thing that comes to mind.

Check the list e identify negative things and next to them write something that is positive , For example, if a thought is “I don’t like my work”, cross it out and instead write “I love my workspace”. That is, you must place a positive aspect that is true, to negative thinking.

Now, each positive thought and action circle it and write another positive related aspect . For example, if you wrote “I love my job” now put “my boss is nice to me.” The goal is to amplify these good feelings to enhance your vibration.

Experts say that if you practice this exercise regularly, it will be easier for you to identify your negative beliefs and actions than they drag you down and you can turn them into a ladder to help you reach the top of your vibration.

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