Friday, September 20

Pedro Pierluisi is sworn in as governor of Puerto Rico with a promise to seek statehood for the island

The president of the Dominican Republic, Luis Abinader; outgoing Governor Wanda Vázquez Garced, Supreme Court Justices, Resident Commissioner Jenniffer González and Chief Justice of the Federal Court in Puerto Rico, Gustavo Gelpí .

When offering his first message as governor, he made a call to turn the page “of political turbulence” and to seek “the Puerto Rico we dream of.”

“The people sent a clear message. I listened to him and I understood him. I am aware of your feelings, I know your frustrations and I welcome your complaints. The new government and the new Legislature will bear witness to our diversity of thought. The five parties and the independent legislators will reflect our new political and social reality ”, he said.

Pierluisi acknowledged that the country offered a diverse vote “and that I need them all”, referring to the complete political panorama of the island.

“We are going to play as a team another once because that’s what Puerto Rico needs, ”he said. “That will renew my vision and I will always focus on what unites us as a people. Each and every one of us wants the best for Puerto Rico. ”

Shortly after in his message, he mentioned what is possibly the main issue that divides the country: political status, whom he described as one of the country’s enemies.

“And political inequality due to the lack of rights of the status we have. Against the colony we are united and although we may differ on how to end it … we are obliged to assert the will. The equality that statehood represents is fair, dignified, and achievable, so we are going to demand and achieve it, ”he said.

He noted that the enemies of Puerto Rico are not the political parties or civic or professional organizations, but COVID – 19. Pierluisi was the target of harsh criticism from various sectors of the country when he insisted on summoning over 400 invited, in times of pandemic, to the activity of swearing in.

“Against the pandemic we have to be united and together we will fight to recover our lives and our jobs and the education of our children.”

The governor referred to child poverty as another enemy and that “we are going to fight it to guarantee the future of the next generations, ”he said.

Pierluisi, who defended his experience in government as Secretary of Justice and eight years as Resident Commissioner, He alluded to other issues such as education, to which he will give priority, including special education students and the University of Puerto Rico. He also stressed the importance, for example, of using federal funds allocated to recovery.

“We are going to take advantage of every dollar of federal funds that has been allocated for our recovery and let’s do it now, ”he said. “The best way to restore trust to the people is not with words, but with action and deed.”

One by one, he alluded to other “enemies” of the people such as crime, corruption, discrimination and mistreatment of vulnerable citizens, economic recession, unemployment and the need to generate investment.

“That every businessman, businesswoman and industry can grow and prosper, ”he said.

Pierluisi entered the stage at 10: 42 am with the intonation of Fanfare for a Common Man, by the composer Aaron Copleand. The invocation was in charge of Pastors Otoniel Font and Wanda Rolón, Episcopal Bishop Rafael Morales, Rabbi Diego Méndez Mendelbaum and Monsignor Antonio J. Vázquez.

Religious messages completed , the Caribbean Tenors group sang the song I believe in God.

After the ceremony, Pierluisi was transported to La Fortaleza, where shortly before 12: 40 pm went out to the balcony next to his family to greet those present.