Sunday, October 27

Which zodiac signs are friends and rivals of Scorpio

Scorpio is one of the most intense and mysterious signs of the zodiac. Ruled by Pluto and Marsthis water sign has a powerful energy that can create deep and transformative bonds, but also generate conflicts with certain personalities.

Who are Scorpio’s best friends and which signs could be their rivals?

Keep reading to learn how the relationships of this sign are configured based on astrology.

Scorpio does not get carried away by superficial friendships. Prefers sincere, intense and lasting connections, where loyalty is non-negotiable. These are the signs most compatible with Scorpio in friendship:


Cancer and Scorpio are water signs, which allows them to understand each other without the need for words.

They both value emotional security and enjoy maintaining close friendships, where they feel free to show their vulnerability.

This relationship is almost like a refuge where both support each other in difficult times.
Why are they friends:


Pisces and Scorpio have a strong spiritual connection. They both enjoy deep conversations about momentous topics and find comfort in each other.

Pisces brings sensitivity and creativity, while Scorpio offers protection and structure.

They are empathetic and complement each other emotionally, they enjoy spending time together in calm and creative environments.


Although Capricorn is an earth sign and Scorpio is a water sign, both share the need to have stable and sincere relationships.

Scorpio admires Capricorn’s discipline and ambition, while Capricorn appreciates Scorpio’s determination to achieve what they want.

Both prefer long-lasting friendships based on trust. They share a pragmatic vision of life, which makes them great partners in projects or businesses.

Scorpio’s rivals

Just as Scorpio is known for his loyalty, he also has a reputation for being ruthless toward those who betray him.

These signs can become your rivals due to irreconcilable personality differences:


Both Scorpio and Leo are dominant signs that love to be in control. They both have strong personalities and can easily come into conflict if they feel that the other is trying to impose themselves.

Leo seeks recognition, while Scorpio prefers hidden power, which can create a clash of egos.

Both are possessive and want to lead, their styles of expression are too different, Leo is extroverted, while Scorpio is reserved.


Aquarius and Scorpio have very different ways of understanding the world. While Scorpio focuses on intimacy and deep emotions, Aquarius prefers to maintain a detached and rational attitude.

This difference causes Scorpio to see Aquarius as cold and uncaring, while Aquarius finds Scorpio to be too intense.

Scorpio seeks commitment, while Aquarius values ​​their independence. Scorpio’s emotions can overwhelm a more detached Aquarius.


Gemini is a communicative and curious sign, but their tendency to constantly change can irritate Scorpio, who seeks consistency and depth in their relationships.

Scorpio may also find Gemini superficial, while Gemini is uncomfortable with Scorpio’s emotional intensity.

Scorpio looks for serious relationships and Gemini prefers something lighter. Differences in their expectations lead to constant misunderstandings.

Keep reading:
• Libra Scorpio cusp: what it means to be born between these two signs
• The 3 different types of Scorpio: discover which one you belong to
• Why Taurus, Libra and Scorpio are the best lovers of the zodiac, according to astrology