Friday, October 18

Sinaloa burns between shootings, drug blockades and the attack on newspaper facilities

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By The Opinion

18 Oct 2024, 12:17 PM EDT

The weeks go by and the violence in Sinaloa, far from decreasing, is maintained in various areas through armed confrontations, discovery of bodies and drug blockades. All this five years after the first “Culiacanazo”.

Now, to this situation, is added the attack on the facilities of the newspaper El Debateone of the most important in the region, and which was attacked by gunfire during the night of Thursday.

According to the media itself, several armed individuals aboard vehicles shot at the newspaper’s headquarters, which is located in the city of Culiacán.

“The facilities of this publishing house were the target of a shooting attack by individuals traveling in vehicles. On the façade of the El Debate Culiacán building there were signs of the shots. They shot at least 12 times”, noted the newspaper.

The attack on El Debate has generated concern in the journalistic union, which now faces not only the coverage of the events, but also direct violence against its facilities.

Other violent events

This was not the only act of violence in Sinaloa, since since Thursday afternoon there were reports various armed confrontations between criminalsboth in the city of Culiacán and in municipalities surrounding the state capital.

Likewise, on the Culiacán-Los Mochis highway, blockades were recorded with several trailers obstructing the passage at the height of the bridge that leads to the airport. The authorities managed to remove the vehicles and restore circulation hours later, freeing up one of the key accesses to the city.

At night it was also confirmed the fire of a municipal government garbage truck on the road that leads to the community of Imala. According to local sources, a group of armed people burned the vehicle with the aim of obstructing vehicular traffic in the area.

Videos have been spread on social networks in which bursts of bullets can be heard, which can be heard in the distance, while the night was illuminated by the burning vehicles.

Keep reading:
– The war between “Los Chapitos” and “La Mayiza” totals 192 dead and 224 missing in one month.
– 5 bodies are abandoned in Sinaloa with hats alluding to people from “El Mayo”.