Friday, October 11

Saints of October 12: the list of saints that are celebrated

On October 12, several saints are celebrated for their virtues, miracles and the legacy of faith they left on Earth.

This day is an opportunity to reflect on their lives, learn from their example, and ask for their intercession in our daily needs.

Below, we present the list of saints who are celebrated on October 12, as well as a brief history of their lives and the area of ​​our lives in which they are usually invoked.

Our Lady of Pilar

October 12 is especially important in Spain and many Spanish-speaking countries because the Virgen del Pilar is celebratedpatron saint of Hispanidad and the city of Zaragoza.

According to tradition, the Virgin Mary appeared to the apostle Santiago while he was preaching in the Iberian Peninsula, on a marble pillar, encouraging him to continue his evangelizing mission.

Since then, the Virgen del Pilar has become a symbol of faith and protection.

It is common to ask for the intercession of the Virgin of Pilar for personal and family protection, as well as for success in important companies or projects.

In many countries, October 12 is also known as Hispanic Day, in honor of the historical importance of the Virgin in the spread of Christianity in the Hispanic world.

Saint Seraphim of Montegranario

San Seraphim of Montegranario is another of the saints remembered on October 12. He was born in Italy in 1540, and from a very young age he showed religious inclinations that led him to enter the Order of the Minor Capuchin Brothers.

He stood out for his austere and prayerful life, being an example of humility and charity for those who knew him.

Throughout his life, Saint Seraphim was known for his miracles, especially his ability to heal the sick and help those most in need.

It is invoked by those seeking a life of inner peace and humility, as well as by those who desire physical or spiritual healing.

Saint Felix IV, Pope

Pope Saint Felix IVwho ruled the Church between 526 and 530, is another of the saints commemorated on October 12.

During his papacy, he faced various doctrinal and political controversies, but he knew how to govern with prudence and great faith. He is credited with the founding of the Basilica of Saints Cosmas and Damian in Rome.

Saint Felix IV is remembered for his wisdom and his ability to manage conflicts within the Church, which is why he is invoked for those who need wisdom and guidance in times of uncertainty or dispute.

Blessed Ramón Llull

October 12th too the memory of Blessed Ramón Llull is celebrateda philosopher, theologian and missionary born in Mallorca in 1232.

Ramón Llull is famous for his philosophical and theological writings, as well as his attempts to evangelize Muslims in North Africa.

He is considered one of the first defenders of interreligious dialogue and a pioneer in Christian mysticism.

Llull is invoked by those seeking spiritual knowledge and intercultural understanding.

Saint Edwiges of Poland

Although it is not the main festival of Saint Edwiges of Poland, it is commemorated on October 12 in some regions. Edwiges was a queen who dedicated her life to serving those most in need.

When she was widowed, she entered a convent and used her fortune to found churches, hospitals and charities.

She is especially invoked for those who are in financial trouble or at risk of losing their home, as throughout her life, Saint Edwiges worked tirelessly to help the poor and in debt.

Other saints celebrated on October 12

In addition to those mentioned, other important figures within the Christian tradition are also included in the October 12 saints:

Saint Maximilian of Lorch
Saint Rotobald of Pavia
Saint Amand of Traunsee

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