Tuesday, October 8

Saints of October 8: which saints are celebrated today

October 8 is a special date in the liturgical calendar, since several saints are remembered for their devotion, miracles and virtues.

In the Catholic tradition, the saints are a list of saints to whom each day of the year is dedicated.

These characters have left an important spiritual legacy and are invoked to ask for their intercession in different areas of life, whether health, work or protection.

Next, we share with you the saints celebrated on October 8 and their short stories.

Saint Hugh of Genoa

One of the most notable saints of October 8 is Saint Hugh of Genoa.

He was bishop of Genoa in the 12th century and is remembered for his deep faith, humility and service to those most in need.

Throughout his life, he was a great defender of the poor and sick, dedicating his time to charitable works and promoting social justice within his diocese.

Saint Hugh is especially venerated in Italy and is considered a protector of the sick.

It is common to ask for his intercession for those facing health problems, since his life was a testimony of care and love towards the most vulnerable.

Saint Pelagius of Antioch

Another saint remembered on October 8 is Saint Pelagius of Antioch, a young martyr who lived in the 4th century.

According to tradition, Pelagius was a famous dancer in Antioch before her conversion to Christianity. After converting, he repented of his past life and lived with extreme devotion to his faith.

His story is an example of spiritual transformation and total dedication to God. It is invoked for those who seek redemption or a change in their life, especially if they have experienced situations of temptation or spiritual deviation.

San Luis Beltran

Saint Luis Beltrán, another saint celebrated on October 8, was a Spanish Dominican friar who lived in the 16th century.

Born in Valencia, he dedicated himself to evangelization, especially in Latin America, where he is highly revered.

His mission in the New World was marked by his closeness to the indigenous peoples, whom he helped and evangelized, respecting their cultures.

San Luis Beltrán is known as a defender of human rights and a protector of the oppressed.

It is common to ask for his intercession when seeking just and equitable solutions in situations of conflict or injustice.

Saint Reparado of Ravenna

Saint Reparado was a bishop of Ravenna in the 5th century. His name comes from the Latin “reparatus”, which means “restored” or “recovered”, and his life is remembered for his pastoral work and his efforts to maintain peace in a time difficult for the Church.

Saint Reparado is invoked to ask for restoration, whether in the spiritual or material realm.

Those who need to overcome a crisis, restore relationships, or find a new beginning often ask for his intercession.

Other saints and blesseds celebrated on October 8

In addition to the saints mentioned, October 8 is also remembered for other prominent figures in Catholic saints. Among them are:

Saint Felix of Como.
Saint Tais of Egypt.
Blessed María del Rosario Arroyo.

What requests are made to the saints on October 8?

Each saint has a particular area of ​​intercession, so requests vary depending on their virtues and legacy. October 8 is a good day to pray for:

Physical healing: invoking Saint Hugo of Genoa.
Conversion and spiritual change: through Saint Pelagia of Antioch.
Justice and protection of the oppressed: with the help of San Luis Beltrán.
Restoration and new beginnings: through the intercession of San Reparado.

Keep reading:
• What saint is celebrated on October 7: what is asked of him
• What to do on St. Michael the Archangel’s Day to ward off evil
• Which saint can help you find lost things?