Friday, October 4

Barack Obama will visit key states in search of votes for Kamala Harris

Avatar of Evaristo Lara

By Evaristo Lara

04 Oct 2024, 1:08 PM EDT

Given how close the race to win the White House looks, former President Barack Obama is scheduled to visit key states in search of votes that strengthen Kamala Harris’ campaign.

The 63-year-old Democrat plans to start in Pittsburgh on October 10 and then it will be presented in other entities during the days before the elections.

In fact, the emotional bond between the former president of the nation and the acting vice president began two decades ago when he was running for the Senate.

After, In 2008, when the Hawaiian launched his presidential candidacy, the Californian was one of the women who supported him by knocking on doors in Iowa to get him votes before the primaries..

It follows that Barack Hussein Obama II and his wife Michelle are now returning the favor, especially after witnessing how Joe Biden’s popularity plummeted to the point of giving up his re-election aspirations.

In fact, in August, the Obamas gave some of the speeches supporting Harris during the Democratic National Convention held in Chicago.

The 63-year-old former president knows that the votes of undecided citizens could define the winner of the elections. (Credit: J. Scott Applewhite / AP)

Subsequently, the former president organized a fundraiser in Los Angeles, through which he raised $4,000,000 for the woman who aspires to become the first woman to govern the nation.

As the presidential campaigns enter the final stretch, polls continue to show a significant percentage of citizens undecided about who to support and that opens the possibility that they will be the ones, on November 5, to define the winner of the elections.

So far, polls project Kamala Harris has an average lead of up to three points nationally, But in previous elections other candidates who had reached up to five points ahead ended up being defeated when the citizen vote was cast.

That is why the Democrats intend to close strong even with a million-dollar advertising purchase aimed at states where their outlook is not as solid as they would like, especially after the weak performance of Timothy James Walz, Kamala Harris’ running mate, during the debate held against Republican James David Vance.

Keep reading:

• Obama raises $4 million for Harris in Los Angeles

• Barack Obama endorses Kamala Harris and calls Trump “dangerous”

• More than half of California Latinos would vote for Kamala Harris