Wednesday, October 2

Trump promises to return education to the states so that “what should be taught”

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By The Opinion

02 Oct 2024, 01:32 AM EDT

Donald Trump insisted during an event in the city of Milwaukee on the need to “remove” educational powers from Washington, and promised that, to do so, He will eliminate the Department of Education, one of the key promises he has in his program ahead of the November elections.

That is, he promised to return educational powers to the states to ensure that teachers “teach what they should.”

“We don’t want someone to go crazy and start teaching a language we don’t want them to teach.“Trump said at an election rally held in the city of Milwaukee.

Trump took the opportunity in this sense to criticize his Democratic rival, US Vice President Kamala Harris, and the “radical left,” whom he accused of wanting to keep “black and Hispanic children trapped in government-controlled systems,” he added.

In his criticism, blamed Harris for the escalation of the war in the Middle East and the state of the economyand mocked President Joe Biden. And he repeated debunked claims about the integrity of U.S. elections and made sweeping promises about what the country would look like if he took office for a second term.

“If they bring Trump back there will be no problems anywhere,” he said.

The former US president also stated once again that if he is elected as the new tenant of the White House, he will appoint billionaire Elon Musk to a position at the head of a government efficiency commission.

The Republican candidate thus appealed to the vote shortly before the debate between vice presidents in a traditionally Democratic bastion, but which made Trump’s candidacy official at the Republican convention in mid-July.

The latest survey published by The New York Times and Siena College indicates an increasingly close result for Harris and Trump in the state of Wisconsin, with an average of 49% and 47% of the votes respectively.

*With information from EFE.

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