Sunday, September 29

Marjorie de Sousa shows what she looks like without breast implants

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By Eili Cordova

Sep 28, 2024, 11:33 PM EDT

A few days ago, Marjorie de Sousa said that she removed her breast implants after suffering various health symptoms. Now, The Venezuelan shared the final result and seems happy with the decision she made.

In the audiovisual material, the actress tried on different outfits and assured that this was due to a new acting project. Everything indicates that she played a character called ‘Mandy’.

Minutes after publishing your post, His followers did not wait to react and complimented his physical appearance.

“You look so much younger!” “Not only have you removed the implants, but also several years,” These are some of the comments that are read on the social network.

The reason why Marjorie de Sousa removed her implants

The actress tried to be as transparent as possible with her process, with the aim of helping other women who are hesitating to remove their breast implants.

He said, on his official Instagram account, that he suffered from many inflammatory problems, in addition to severe headaches and breathing problems.

“It’s been three months since I had the explant… I feel much more active, with much more spirit. Since I removed them, my feet have not swollen again.”

He stated that he began to investigate the root of his health problems and read that perhaps the problem could be the implants, so he decided to go to the doctor.

“A few months ago I decided to do this, the truth is it is one of the best decisions I could make for my health, I was very afraid. Today I feel very good, I see many positive changes in my health and I know that I will be better every day. I want to speak to you as a friend and tell many who still think about it to look for that person who gives them confidence and above all to see testimonies from other patients who have already done it… Today I feel happy with my Marjorie and I love seeing myself again was. Thank you, thank you, thank you, I hope this helps you,” he said.

In addition to that, the Venezuelan shared a video with her doctor, who explained the process a little more.

De Sousa indicated that – for her – it was the best decision, even though he spent 16 days recovering. The process was carried out in Colombia.

Continue reading:

  • “I felt afraid”: Marjorie de Sousa shares that she removed her breast implants
  • Marjorie shows off the house where she stayed on her trip to Disney
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