Friday, September 27

The 5 most important captures of drug traffickers that the López Obrador government achieved

The president’s government Andrés Manuel López Obrador It is days away from concluding, and although the president is the one who has had the greatest approval for many years, in terms of security several people complain to him, however, he managed to capture important drug traffickers, as well as extraditions to the United States

Among the more than 30 renowned bosses who were arrested, five considered priority targets stand out: José Antonio Yépez Ortiz, alias “The Brown”; Gerardo Treviño Chávez, alias “The Egg”; Rafael Caro Quintero, alias “The Narco of Narcos”; Ovidio Guzmán, alias “The Mouse”and Isidro Pérez Salas, alias “The Nini”.

In 2006, then-president Felipe Calderon The so-called “War on Drugs” began, achieving the arrest of 96 criminals. A six-year term later, in 2012, Enrique Pena Nieto captured 80 members of 12 cartels, according to Mexicans Against Corruption and Impunity (MCCI),

In the six-year term of López Obrador, with the controversial strategy “Hugs, not bullets”planned to avoid combating organized crime with violence, it has been possible to hit mainly the Jalisco New Generation Cartelto the Sinaloa Cartel and to Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel.

José Antonio Yépez Ortiz

Guanajuato is a Mexican state hit hard by violence; One of those identified as the main generator of this is José Antonio Yépez Ortiz, alias “El Marro”, former leader of the Santa Rosa de Lima Cartel (CSRL), accused of drug trafficking and illegal fuel trafficking.

His arrest occurred in Guanajuato on August 2, 2020thanks to the participation of agents from the State Prosecutor’s Office and the Army. A businesswoman who had been kidnapped was also released, so on January 14, 2022, “El Marro” was found guilty of the crime of kidnapping.

This arrest was presented “with great fanfare” trying to leave behind the bad taste in the mouth that it left The Culiacanazothat October 17, 2019 when Ovidio Guzmán was arrested, but had to be released due to the violence generated by his arrest in the Mexican state of Culiacán.

Ovidio Guzman

To Ovidio Guzmán They finally managed to apprehend him on January 5, 2023. during an operation in Culiacán, Sinaloa, by elements of the National Guard, four days before the president’s participation Joe Biden at the North American Leaders Summit, in Mexico City.

“His arrest was derived from 6 months of reconnaissance and surveillance work in the area where it was known that he was carrying out his illicit activities,” declared Luis Cresencio Sandoval, Secretary of National Defense in Mexico.

He was transferred by air to a prison in the State of Mexico, to avoid the dangers of doing so by land in order to avoid another violent day that would spread to other states in Mexico, including the capital.

Gerardo Trevino Chávez

Gerardo Treviño Chávez, alias “El Huevo”, who received the legacy of the brothers Miguel Ángel and Omar Treviño, leaders of the bloodthirsty cartel of The Zetaswas the alleged leader and founder of the Northeast Cartel.

His arrest was achieved in March 2022 in Nuevo LaredoTamaulipas, just one day before the meeting between President López Obrador and Alejandro Mayorkas, Secretary of Homeland Security of the United States, which the Mexican government described as “the great coup of the decade.

Rafael Caro Quintero

Rafael Caro Quintero, known as “El Narco de Narcos” He was arrested on July 15, 2022 in Sinaloaafter the president of Mexico returned from Washington after a meeting with President Joe Biden, on July 13 of the same year.

The Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) also participated in his capture, which admitted at that time to having participated in the capture of the man considered a priority objective for the United States government, for being one of the most powerful drug traffickers in history. , founder of Guadalajara Cartel and of Caborca ​​Cartel.

A reward of 20 million dollars was offered for the murder of Enrique “Kiki” Camarenaspecial agent of the DEA, occurred on February 9, 1985.

Néstor Isidro Pérez Salas

Néstor Isidro Pérez Salas, alias “El Nini”, served as principal head of the Los Chapitos security force. He was captured during an operation carried out by the Secretariat of National Defense, the Navy and the National Guard in Culiacán, Sinaloa.

The arrest was made through an operation that included the participation of 300 elements of the federal forcesand with which weapons and vehicles were also seized, according to press reports.

The North American government had offered a reward of up to three million dollars for information that would help in his capture.

Ismael “El Mayo” Zambada and Joaquín Guzmán López

Without a doubt these were the most important arrests, although they did not occur in Mexico, but in El Paso, Texas, when both members of the Sinaloa Cartel landed on a plane. At first the version was that they had surrendered, so it was assumed that they had made a deal.

However, it was “Mayo” himself who, through a letter, said that the son of his former partner and compadre, Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmánhad kidnapped him, which caused the Government of Mexico to demand answers from the United States that never came.

Keep reading:
– The worst massacres recorded during the presidency of López Obrador.
– Former President Calderón considered that drug trafficking controls more than half of Mexico.