Friday, September 27

Harris will visit the southern border to promote her toughness on immigration and security

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By Maria Ortiz

27 Sep 2024, 05:00 AM EDT

The vice president Kamala Harris plans to visit the U.S.-Mexico border in Arizona on Friday to show she is the candidate best prepared to address the nation’s burning issues. border security and the immigration.

Vice President Harris will demand stricter border security measures in key speech Friday in Douglas Arizona and will criticize Donald Trump’s failures as president to address this issue, and his recent efforts to avoid a bipartisan solution, A main advisor to his campaign told La Opinión.

Starting Friday, The Harris campaign will air this ad in Arizona and other key states.

Harris plans to criticize Donald Trump for put their own interests before possible solutions to immigration and border securityby blocking the bipartisan bill and pressuring his Republican allies in Congress to kill it, because Trump decided to campaign on these critical issues in the country and feared that resolving them could harm him politically.

The measure would have allowed the White House to close the border if too many migrants tried to cross it, and would have raised “credible fear” criteria for asylum application interviews and would have funded more border agents and more deportation flights.

“The American public deserves a president who cares more about border security than playing political games,” the vice president plans to sayaccording to his campaign’s comments on a speech that is still in progress.

Harris decided that it is important to travel directly to the border again, as she has done as vice president, senator and attorney general, to speak directly to the problems that demand serious solutions, not just empty phrases.

  • Arizona, and other border states, are the first to face this challenge, and she believes it is important to be in these communities speaking directly to their concerns.
  • A week after she launched her candidacy, mayors of Arizona border cities came out to support her.

As the former attorney general of a border state, Harris knows that American sovereignty requires establish border rules and enforce themand he did so when he confronted transnational gangs and illicit organizations that smuggled drugs or trafficked humans and weapons across our southern border.

  • One of the first things Harris did as attorney general was travel to the U.S.-Mexico border to tour a drug smuggling tunnel and announce a study group to address transnational illicit activity.
  • That same first year in office, Harris seized $5 million worth of cocaine from a Guadalajara cartel that smuggled drugs and arrested more than a dozen people involved in a prescription drug trafficking organization. on a large scale between the United States and Mexico, which used their income to finance illicit activities in the United States.
  • After that, he confirmed an agreement with Mexico to expand prosecutions and uphold convictions of criminals who engage in human trafficking, and led a bipartisan delegation of state attorneys general that traveled to Mexico to discuss how to address illegal trafficking. of drugs across the border.
  • In 2014, Harris dismantled a transnational illicit organization related to the Sinaloa cartel, detained 22 individuals from the organization and seized 500 pounds of methamphetamine and more than $700,000, and detained more than 50 people related to a transnational gang and an organization of drug trafficking.

The Democratic presidential candidate plans to say that border patrol agents, whom she will meet with on Friday, They need more resources to do their jobs and keep America safe.which is why, under her leadership as vice president of this administration, border agents got an increase in overtime pay and that is also why Harris strongly supported bipartisan bill to secure the borderwhich she would present again as president.

  • The bipartisan border security bill would have hired 1,500 additional border agents and officers, and was backed by the Border Patrol union.
  • Vice President Harris plans to emphasize the importance of combat fentanyl trafficking entering the country across the border, calling it a “top priority” of his presidency, and proposing adding new fentanyl detection machines at border ports of entry.
  • It is also planned pressure the chinese government to further crack down on companies that manufacture the precursor chemicals used to make fentanyl, as they have begun to do during the current presidential administration.

Harris rejects the false premise that you have to choose between securing the border and creating an immigration system that is safe, organized and humane, arguing that we must do both to protect the security of our country and also, our historical legacy as a nation of immigrants.

As with the economy, Harris and her campaign advisers have seen that Trump’s lead on immigration and border security has diminished in recent weeksand this visit to the border and the important speech that the vice president will offer can help to further reduce the gap on an issue that many experts and Republicans have considered a vulnerability for Harris for a long time and which is one of the main issues in the electoral contest.

Keep reading:
– Kamala Harris defends immigration reform that provides a path to citizenship
– Kamala Harris will visit the southern border for the first time as a Democratic presidential candidate
– Harris warns of mass deportations if Trump is re-elected