Thursday, September 26

AMLO assures that he did “everything” possible in the case of the 43 of Ayotzinapa 10 years away

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By The Opinion

Sep 26, 2024, 3:54 PM EDT

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, stated that did “everything” possible in the case of the 43 Ayotzinapa students that this Thursday they will be missing for 10 years and expressed their solidarity with the fathers and mothers of the young people who continue to demand justice.

“Let it be very clear to you, I tell you this sincerely with all my feelings, There is no impunity for anyone, we did everything to find the young people and no one was protected”said the president during his morning conference.

The Mexican president’s statements are made as this day marks 10 years without the disappearance of the 43 students in Guerrero, a state in southern Mexico, being resolved.

Parents and activists hold demonstrations in Mexico City this Thursday to denounce that the president did not keep his promise to resolve the case to protect the Army.

In that sense, López Obrador assured that the relatives of the young people “have every right” to demonstrate and expressed his “sadness” and “solidarity” with them.

“You have to understand what the loss of a human being means, especially when it is a child. Tell them (mothers and fathers) that we are, still in what we have left, working to find them (the students),” she emphasized.

AMLO assures that he did
Young people from Ayotzinapa ask for justice ten years after the disappearance of the 43 students.
Credit: David Guzmán | EFE

He reiterated that, as expressed in a letter he sent them on Tuesday, the president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum, who will begin her mandate on October 1“she is a very sensitive woman and will continue the investigation.”

He pointed out that despite his intention to resolve the case “things were complicated” by interests that he did not detail, but he asserted that “the truth always makes its way and justice takes time, but it arrives.”

In addition, justified the operation implemented by security forces in the vicinity of the Zócalo of Mexico City and the National Palace, where the president lives and works, with the placement of concrete blocks and fences.

“The thing is that, although they are very fair demands, of course there are always provocateurs, people who take advantage of circumstances, opportunists, sectarians, conservatives, who would like to harm us, and then we have to protect the historical buildings in this case the Cathedral, the Palace (National)”, he concluded.

The controversy has worsened because López Obrador contradicted the Truth Commission created by its own Government, which concluded in 2022 that the disappearance of the 43 was a “state crime” with the participation of authorities at all levels, including the Armed Forces.

With information from EFE.

Keep reading:

  • AMLO says that there is a “black hand” of his opponents in the Ayotzinapa protests at the National Palace
  • VIDEO: Normalista from Ayotzinapa demolishes access to the National Palace during AMLO conference
  • The Mexican government opened the files of the Ayotzinapa case for relatives of the disappeared