Friday, September 27

Trump to eliminate humanitarian parole for Cuba, Venezuela, Haiti and Nicaragua

Avatar of Maria Ortiz

By Maria Ortiz

Sep 26, 2024, 00:18 AM EDT

Former President and Republican candidate Donald Trumphe said Wednesday in an interview on Fox News, that if he is reelected, will deport immigrants who have benefited from two immigration programs of the Joe Biden Administration.

Trump promised on Wednesday that If he wins the elections will eliminate the humanitarian parole program that grants temporary work permits to immigrants from Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Haiti.

Trump also said he will close the CBP One phone app that migrants use to request appointments to appear at a U.S. border port of entry and ask for asylum.

“I would overturn it,” Trump said, adding that CBP One is “bad” but the parole is “even worse” because it allows beneficiaries to reach the United States by plane.

Even though people with ‘parole’ They have legal status to be in the United States for two years, Trump said they are “illegal immigrants” who should not be in the country.

“They should be prepared to leave, especially if they are criminals,” Trump threatened if he wins the November 5 elections.

The parole program grants entry to the United States to up to 30,000 people from Venezuela, Cuba, Nicaragua and Haiti each month, and allows them to obtain a work permit for a period of two years.

The program, established by the Joe Biden Administration at the end of 2022, has allowed the entry of 530,000 people.

To ask for permission, Immigrants need to have a sponsor in the United States who already has legal status and demonstrates having sufficient income to financially support the program beneficiary.

The Biden administration designed this program, along with the implementation of new border restrictions, to attempt to reduce the number of undocumented migrants arriving in the United States.

Trump has put immigration at the center of his campaign presidential election and has stepped up his anti-immigrant rhetoric recently by spreading the lie that Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio, eat their neighbors’ pets.

Continue reading:
– Advocacy group calls for arrest of Trump and Vance for lying about Haitians
– JD Vance warns that Trump’s deportation plan includes people with TPS and ‘parole’
– Harris warns of mass deportations if Trump is re-elected