Tuesday, September 24

Trump says that if he wins the ballot, “women will no longer think about abortion”

Avatar of Evaristo Lara

By Evaristo Lara

Sep 24, 2024, 1:54 PM EDT

During a rally in Pennsylvania, Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump portrayed himself to his supporters as a “protector” of American women and assured that, if he wins the elections, the issue of reproductive rights will cease to concern them.

“Because I am his protector. I want to be his protector. As president, I have to be their protector. They will be happy, healthy, safe and free. They will no longer think about abortion.”, he said.

The New York tycoon also dismissed reports that he causes a certain degree of antipathy among women because, during his administration, the Supreme Court, with a conservative majority that included three members appointed by Trump, revoked the nationwide abortion rights protections of Roe v. Wade in 2022.

“I always thought women liked me. I never thought I had a problem, but the fake news keeps saying that women don’t like me. I don’t believe that,” he stressed.

In addition, The conservative politician reproached his Democratic rivals for continuing to focus Vice President Kamala Harris’ campaign on reproductive rights, when they should be promoting other proposals that demand immediate solutions to relieve the population.

“The country is falling apart. We’re going to end up in World War III and all they can talk about is abortion. That’s all they talk about and it’s really not relevant anymore.because we have done something in the area of ​​abortion that no one believed was possible,” he said.

Donald Trump has been forced to soften his position on abortion. (Credit: Alex Brandon / AP)

At the moment, data from some polls place Kamala Harris with the majority of support from the female vote, while men seem to be more identified with Donald Trump.

That is why Democrats do not remove the line in their promotion of fighting for women to be allowed to decide about their bodies, without a policy aimed at punishing them if they have an abortion.

Faced with this scenario, several political analysts mention how the position that the candidates take on abortion will end up defining the winner of the ballot next November.

Continue reading:

• Trump says he won’t run again if he loses US election

• Donald Trump says it’s too late to hold another debate

• Democratic senator admits that “Trump managed to earn a special place in Pennsylvania”