Tuesday, September 24

Take advantage of the energy of Libra season with these 3 rituals

While the Sun is in Libra, from September 22 to October 22, the diplomatic, harmonious and balanced energy of this air sign is found in the cosmos.

Through simple rituals you can take advantage of it to balance key aspects of your life that are needed.

Do you feel like negativity is dulling your positive energy? Do you feel like you want to say something to someone? Or do you need clarity?

Do any of these 3 rituals and balance your life in Libra season.

1. Ritual to connect with nature

The first ritual you can perform during Libra season is forest bathing, a technique of connecting with nature that will help you balance your energies.

In times of confusion or emotional overload, contact with nature can be a powerful tool to discharge accumulated negative energy.

A simple and effective method is hug a tree for at least 10 secondsThis act will allow you to release the tension and emotional burdens that you have accumulated.

The tree, as a natural channel, absorbs that negative energy and transforms it, restoring harmony to your body and mind.

This ritual, which connects with the energy of the Earth, will help you restore your inner balance.

If you do not have access to a forest or a natural environment, Another effective alternative is to walk barefoot on the ground.

This simple act allows energy to flow from your body into the ground, neutralizing any negativity you may be holding on to.

Both methods, forest bathing and barefoot walking, are powerful tools to recover the peace and serenity that nature offers us.

2. The ritual of the letter never sent

Libra season is also a good time to vent those pent-up emotions that you haven’t been able to express.

We often accumulate unspoken feelings, especially from past or current relationships.

Lack of communication can lead to resentment or frustration that, over time, blocks our ability to move forward.

An effective way to release these emotions is by writing letters that you will never send.

This ritual consists of write a letter addressed to a person about whom you have unresolved feelings or thoughts.

It can be someone from the past or present, and the content of the letter should express everything that you were unable to say at the time.

When writing, allow your emotions to flow freely, without censorship or judgment.

Once you have finished the letter, there is no need to send it. In fact, the purpose of this ritual is precisely not to do so.

Instead, Close the letter, put it in an envelope, and then burn it.By burning the letter, you will be symbolizing a process of closure, releasing those feelings once and for all.

This ritual will allow you to move forward with more clarity and without the emotional burdens of the past.

The ritual of the wheel of life

The third ritual for Libra season is one of self-knowledge and personal balance: the wheel of life.

According to the website Glamour.mx, this exercise is ideal for those looking for a visual way to evaluate their life and establish areas for improvement.

The wheel of life allows you to identify which aspects of your life are balanced and which need more attention.

To perform this ritual, Draw a large circle and divide it into eight equal sections..

Each section will represent one of the main areas of your life: personal growth, career, friends and family, environment, finances, fun, health and romance.

Then, inside this main circle, draw seven more concentric circles, each smaller than the last.

These circles represent the levels of satisfaction in each area of ​​your life, from the center (low level of satisfaction) to the outer edge (high level of satisfaction).

Assess each area of ​​your life and color the sections according to the level of gratitude and satisfaction you feel in each one. By completing the diagram, you will be able to clearly visualize which aspects of your life need more attention and which are in balance.

Continue reading:
• Are you a Libra? 7 facts you should know about your sign
• The 3 luckiest signs of Libra season 2024
• The 5 Chinese signs that start autumn 2024 with more luck