Wednesday, September 25

4 signs are favored by the conjunction of the Moon with Mars

The Moon and Mars form a conjunction that will favor 4 signs of the zodiac specifically.

This aspect arises when two stars are in the same degree of a sign, which means that they “mix” their energy.

September 25, 2024 The Moon and Mars coincide in Cancer, a water sign rooted in emotions.

The way they will benefit is by expressing themselves freely, bravely and asserting their emotions.

Which zodiac signs are favored by the conjunction of the Moon with Mars? According to Your Tango’s predictions, it is Aries, Leo, Sagittarius and AquariusWe tell you why.

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

For Aries, a fire sign ruled by Mars, this conjunction is “a gift from the universe,” according to astrologer Ruby Miranda.

On September 25, Aries will feel a surge of energy and determination that will lead them to accomplish everything they have been putting off.

The energy of Mars is familiar to Aries, as this planet rules their sign, enhancing their decisive and action-oriented nature.

During this day, Aries will feel particularly focused and motivated, facing their tasks with unstoppable force.

This energy will not only benefit you in your professional or personal life, but will also allow you to overcome any emotional obstacles that have been preventing you from moving forward.

The key for Aries will be to take advantage of this Martian energy to finish pending projects and express their emotions with clarity and assertiveness.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo, another fire sign, will also be favored by the conjunction of the Moon and Mars.

This astral event will provide you with the energy necessary to make many of your creative ideas come true.

Leo will feel stronger and more victorious than ever, ready to take on new projects and, most importantly, to share his achievements with those he loves.

During this day, Leo will find a perfect balance between his personal desires and compassion for others.

This means you’ll be more willing to help your loved ones while still moving forward with your own goals.

The energy of Mars will give you the strength to make your ideas a reality, while the Moon will connect you with your deepest emotions, making you act from the heart.

September 25 will be a day of great satisfaction for Leo, who will feel grateful for being in harmony with his environment.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

For Sagittarius, a sign that values ​​independence and freedom, the conjunction of the Moon with Mars will be a key moment to reaffirm their individuality.

This transit will allow you to find the path you have been looking for, giving you the confidence to stand firm in your beliefs and decisions, without worrying about what others think.

Sagittarius has been feeling an emotional disconnection from their surroundings, but on September 25, thanks to the energy of Mars, they will regain the inner security they so desperately need.

This fire sign will be driven to act independently, leaving behind any doubts or external influences that have kept it tied down.

This day will be a reminder that your strength lies in your ability to be unique and authentic.

The conjunction of the Moon and Mars will allow Sagittarius to focus on their own desires and aspirations, while finding a new source of energy and motivation.

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)

Finally, Aquarius will also benefit from this planetary conjunction. Although an air sign, Aquarius will appreciate the Martian energy that will encourage him to see his life from a more positive perspective.

During this day, Aquarius will receive an injection of motivation and optimism, which will allow them to move forward with projects and decisions that they had put on hold.

This astral transit will remind Aquarius that there is a promising future waiting for them, and that things are not as complicated as they seemed.

The energy of Mars will encourage you to take action, while the influence of the Moon will connect you with your deepest emotions, helping you to act from a place of gratitude.

On September 25, Aquarius will feel in tune with the universe, recognizing that they are working with cosmic forces in their favor.

This alignment with universal energy will allow you to act with confidence while maintaining a positive and grateful attitude towards everything you have.

Continue reading:
• The 3 luckiest signs of Libra season 2024
• The 3 luckiest zodiac signs of autumn 2024
• 5 signs undergo a transformation as 2024 comes to an end