Monday, September 23

VIDEO: AMLO rules out punishment for the person who threw a bottle at him during a tour of Veracruz

The President of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, He ruled out any retaliation against the person who threw a plastic bottle of water at him during a working tour of the Mexican state of Veracruz.

“Yesterday they threw a bottle of water at me, I started playing baseball, I was a fielder, imagine if I don’t know how to dodge.I could have even caught her, but nothing serious happened,” I understand that they are angry, they are upset, that is why they would like nothing to change, conservatism comes precisely from preserving, from maintaining the status quo, but that is no longer possible, then their anger will go away. We do too, that is another thing that bothers them a lot, because Those who made mistakes and do not want to accept their mistake would like”Although it is wise to change one’s mind, they do not want to rectify, they remain complacent, they would like to say or be able to shout from the rooftops that we are equal,” he said.

“Another thing that bothers them a lot is that there is no repression, for example, The one who threw the bottle yesterday, he can rest easy, nothing is happening, it’s just that nothing serious is happening. And I also ask that we act with great respect,” he said.

In videos spread in the media and social networks, the The moment when President López Obrador manages to avoid the bottle when he got out of a van and walked to enter the Casa Juárez in the port of Veracruz accompanied by the state governor, Cuitláhuac García, yesterday, Sunday, September 22.

“There they are, more so these days, provoking both the extremes of conservatism and the supposedly radical left, but no, no, no. We have to end this without massacres, without anyone disappearing, without torture, without persecuting any journalist, without censorship,” he said.

The attack against the Mexican president in Veracruz came from a group of people who were protesting against the reform of the Judicial Branch and who during their protest shouted slogans such as “dictator, dictator!”

“For example, yesterday what Those in the judiciary who are against the Reform shouted at me: ‘Dictator, dictator!’ because that is what Aguilar Camín (Mexican intellectual) and (Enrique) Krauze maintain. Furthermore, without intellectual rigor, because dictator of what? Krauze never put on his page, in his tweet, that after 200 years of Republic he was going to start a Monarchy in Mexico. I don’t know how he deceived so much for so long. That idea that it is a dictatorship comes from there. And that is why the workers of the judiciary are also deceived, because the reform of the judiciary has to do with the election of judges, it does not affect the workers of the judiciary in any way,” he said.

“How many attacks did I receive during all the time?and some not only beatings, but very humiliating, I will not forget when I went with the late Armando Córdova and with the late Agustín Ortiz Pincheti and with Lorenzo Meyer, to a conference in Mérida and we were there and some mestiza women companions arrived with their backpack full of eggs, some people in front, the late Servera Pacheco governed, Víctor Servera, and there the one who goes in front, because they did not know me, they took them to that, they point at me and start to pull out eggs and they put the least on me, well there is the historical memory… Like two weeks, fifteen days On Televisa, passing the scene, but they are the quotas of humiliationthat is what is resisted when one has a higher cause, I say this for our supporters. Don’t get angry, smile, we already won! he exclaimed.

🔴 Dictator, Dictator! This is how President López Obrador was received in Veracruz

Workers of the Judicial Branch protested upon AMLO’s arrival in Veracruz, a bottle of water was thrown from the crowd but did not hit the president #REDMichoacán

— RedMichoacán (@RED_Michoacan) September 22, 2024

The reform to the Judicial Branch of the Federation became constitutional after President Andrés Manuel López Obrador signed his decree and it was published last Sunday, September 15, in the Official Gazette of the Federation.

Continue reading:
• Mexican judge orders halt to AMLO’s judicial reform
• US senators say they are “concerned” about AMLO’s judicial reform
• AMLO “pauses” his relationship with US and Canadian embassies over judicial reform