Friday, September 20

Attacks against military personnel during AMLO's government have increased considerably

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By Reforma Agency

The monthly average of attacks against members of the Armed Forces doubled during the president’s six-year term Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador.

According to statistics released by the Presidency, in 2019, the first year of this Government, the average number of attacks against soldiers and sailors was 24 cases per month.

However, the report details that, as of September 17 of this year, the number of attacks against members of the Army, Navy and National Guard rose to an average of 48 cases per month.

The second year with the most attacks against the military forces was 2023, with 40 records; followed by 2020, with 37; 2022, with 34, and 2021 with almost 31 cases, on average, per month.

According to official data, contained in the graph on the Lethality of the Armed Forces and the National Guard, in this six-year period A total of 2,433 attacks have been accumulatedwhich represents a 25 percent increase compared to the Government of Enrique Peña Nieto, when 1,938 cases were recorded.

On the other hand, the figure is 17 percent lower than the cumulative total of 2,942 cases recorded during the Felipe Calderón administration.

The figures were shown at the National Palace, when the president was questioned about the violence that has been recorded during the last 10 days in the state of Sinaloaas a result of the confrontation between members of the criminal groups known as “Los Mayos” and “Los Chapitos”.

In response, the president accused the media of generating fear in the population and of providing different coverage of the problems of insecurity during his administration compared to what happened during Calderón’s six-year term, when the fatality rate reached its highest level.

“This is the graph of lethality or murders, when violence was at its highest in 2011. Look: in confrontations, 1,412 people died, murdered. Civilians were injured and detained, 1,127, that is, more dead than wounded and detained,” he said.

Continue reading:
– AMLO links drug trafficking violence in Sinaloa to a “campaign” against him.
– AMLO says the US is jointly responsible for the violence unleashed in Sinaloa after the arrest of “El Mayo.”