Thursday, September 19

Sheinbaum's government prepares high-level meeting of businessmen from Mexico and the U.S.

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By The Opinion

Sep 18, 2024, 6:32 PM EDT

Mexico will have its first female president in history and as of October 1, Claudia Sheinbaum will assume power, so she is already preparing her first steps to strengthen her government, one of them, On October 15, the United States-Mexico Business Summit will be held, where topics such as judicial reform and energy will be discussed.

According to Marcelo Ebrard, the next Secretary of Economy, it will be the first binational business event of the next Government, “We have confirmed up to this moment more or less 45 large companies, of which about 30 are already installed in Mexico at this moment.”.

The next official recalled that the so-called “CEO Dialogue” brings together “the executives of the main companies in Mexico and the United States every year.”

He also anticipated that Participating companies that are not yet in Mexico will announce investments or will set up in the country starting in 2025.

“That day there will be a very important presentation of the lines we are going to follow to attract investment not only from the United States, but also from Germany, Italy, Japan, and other countries, but in this case particularly from the United States,” he added.

On October 15th, the CEO Dialogue (Annual High-Level Dialogue between US and Mexican companies) will be held with the attendance of the President of Mexico, Dr. Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo. It will be a success, there is a huge interest from US companies in our country!!

— Marcelo Ebrard C. (@m_ebrard) September 18, 2024

Ebrard announced that the Sheinbaum cabinet, which takes office on October 1, will discuss with American businessmen issues such as the recently approved reform to elect the Judicial Branch by popular vote and energy policywhich during López Obrador’s six-year term has caused complaints from the private sector in the United States.

They will also discuss infrastructure and customs issues.

Analysts, financial institutions and US politicians have warned of the uncertainty that judicial reform represents in view of the upcoming review in 2026 of the Treaty between Mexico, the United States and Canada (T-MEC).

But Ebrard said there is optimism and interest in investing in Mexico. “What I see is a very good opportunity for Mexico,” he said.

*With information from EFE.

Continue reading:
• Biden congratulates Claudia Sheinbaum on her “historic” victory as the first female President of Mexico
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