Wednesday, September 18

The September lunar eclipse changes the destiny of 3 signs

The lunar eclipse of September 2024 will be the beginning of a significant chapter that will change the destiny of 3 zodiac signs.

Astrologers explain that this event occurs at the height of Virgo season and for the first time in Pisces since 2017, marking the beginning of a cycle that will last for several years.

It is also the prelude to autumn, the season that will begin when the Sun enters Libra on September 22.

According to Bustle predictions, Gemini, Virgo and Pisces will be the most affected by the lunar eclipse.

And your destiny will be severely transformed. Is your sign one of them? Here’s what you can expect.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

For you, Gemini, the lunar eclipse brings great changes in your professional career.

Virgo season has been helping you organize your home and personal life, but this eclipse will shake things up at work.

If you have felt that your career has stagnated or that you have not been able to use your talents to the fullest, this eclipse will be the trigger to realign your path and open your eyes to new opportunities.

Additionally, Jupiter is in your sign forming an intense square to this eclipse and Neptune, which can make the upcoming changes seem overwhelming or uncertain.

However, these moves are designed to help you land on your feet, even if the process seems chaotic at first.

This is the time to face your fears and embrace uncertainty with confidence and faith.

Cosmic advice: Stay open to new possibilities in your career. If an unexpected opportunity arises, don’t hesitate to seriously consider it, as it could be just what you need to get moving on the right path.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo, this lunar eclipse marks the end of your birthday season, but it does so with great impact.

Relationships, both personal and professional, are about to undergo a profound change.

This eclipse can bring to light dynamics that no longer work and will encourage you to leave behind any illusions that have been clouding your vision of reality.

It’s a time to make an honest assessment of the people in your life and the emotional connections that are truly authentic and lasting.

With your ruling planet Mercury squaring off with Saturn during this eclipse, you’ll be forced to set clear boundaries with those around you.

You may find that some people no longer fit into your life the way they once did, and that you now need to create space for healthier, more balanced relationships.

This eclipse marks the beginning of a new cycle of transformation, in which you will forge more authentic relationships and learn to see others from a new perspective.

Cosmic advice: Don’t be afraid to set boundaries. True relationships only flourish when there is clarity and mutual respect. Let go of what no longer serves you and make room for deeper connections.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces, this eclipse directly affects your sign, which means it is a time of deep introspection and personal transformation.

The last time you experienced a lunar eclipse in your sign was over a decade ago, indicating that this event marks the closing of an important cycle and the beginning of a new one.

It’s time to take an honest look at yourself and ask yourself if you’re being true to your true identity.

The moon in your sign, aligned with your ruler Neptune, pushes you to confront your escapist tendencies and confront the truths you’ve been avoiding.

This eclipse invites you to let go of any illusions or insecurities that are holding you back and to be more realistic about who you are and how you present yourself to the world.

It’s a good time to rethink how you relate, whether with people close to you or with strangers, and make sure you’re showing your most authentic version.

Cosmic advice: Take advantage of this lunar energy to leave insecurities behind. Embracing your authenticity will allow you to better connect with others and build more sincere and meaningful relationships.

Continue reading:
• 3 signs will have a karmic relationship in September 2024
• 5 signs undergo a transformation as 2024 comes to an end
• Zodiac signs that singles should look out for in 2024