Wednesday, September 18

“LCDLFM 2”: Sian faces Arath after salvation

Avatar of Julio Cortes

By Julio Cortes

Sep 15, 2024, 10:51 AM EDT

On Friday it was held in “The House of the Famous Mexico 2” a Mexican party, but first Arath of the Tower defeated Augustin Fernandez in the salvation test. The actor gave his reasons for removing from the “plate” of nominees Gala Montesso now Sian Chiong He is completely vulnerable and could be expelled this Sunday. He was not satisfied with Arath’s comment and even complained about it.

“LCDLFM 2”: Sian loses hope of winning

“I am very proud to have raised the plaque to the hare“, said De la Torre. “I have to be consistent, because I called Sian a little man, and on this occasion I am taking the lead so that you, Gala, continue to fulfill your dreams.” The actor was referring to a comment he made about Chiong, who weeks ago saved himself when he won the salvation test and did not remove him from the nominations Sabine Moussier.

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Agustin and Sian were upset and depressed by their defeat in the recent tests, but The latter went to Arath and said to him: “Well earned, but one question: why the little man?” De la Torre explained what he meant, but the Cuban did not agree. “I am consistent, I am consistent,” Arath exclaimed, somewhat annoyed and abruptly cutting off the discussion.

There were moments of tension when Sian Chiong even demanded a public apology.but Arath de la Torre insisted – throughout the party – that the only thing he did was compensate Gala for what she did weeks ago, causing “the tumor” (referring to Adrian Marcelo) left the house. He added that the Cuban actor was playing with Mario Bezares and manipulating Brigitte Bozo“Let this serve as a lesson to you,” he said.

Near the end of the get-together, Arath and Sian took up the subject again in a long conversation, and he had to accept the many possibilities he has of leaving the house this Sunday. De la Torre told him that he has a great future ahead of him in his career as an actor, but he also said that on repeated occasions the members of Team Mar (made up of him, Mario, Gala, Briggitte and Karime Pindter) told the Cuban not to go to Team Earth, and he ultimately ignored the request.

The House of the Famous Mexico 2 ends on September 29

Continue reading:

  • “LCDLFM 2”: Almost all of Team Mar is nominated
  • “LCDLFM 2”: Gala and Karime keep their promise and kiss
  • “LCDLFM 2”: Ricardo Peralta apologizes for his behavior