Tuesday, September 17

President of the Supreme Court in Mexico claims: “The demolition of the Judiciary is not the way”

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By Deutsche Welle

09 Sep 2024, 01:24 AM EDT

The president of the Supreme Court of Mexico, Norma Piña, He denounced an attempt to “demolish the judiciary” at a time when the ruling party is discussing a controversial reform to that sector in the Senate.

“The demolition of the Judiciary is not the way forward,” Piña said in an unusual speech broadcast on the Supreme Court’s social media, while the Senate began discussing the bill that proposes the popular election of judges and magistrates.

The official also announced two proposals prepared by the Judiciary which, according to him, seek to “contribute to the discussion” from “the direct experience of those who administer justice.” Piña added that “both documents fully coincide with the multiple recommendations and requests that have been addressed to the Mexican State by international and inter-American human rights organizations.”

The initiative of the controversial reform is promoted by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, which has already been approved in the Chamber of Deputies amid protests by striking judicial personnel. This Sunday, the discussion began in the Senate committees, where the ruling party is only one vote away from achieving the two-thirds necessary to approve constitutional reforms.

Without referring expressly to the popular election of judges, Piña called on the Executive and Legislative powers to listen to the observations that have been made from different sectors, which warn that the amendment will undermine judicial independence. “Today it is still possible,” he said.

AMLO warns SCJN not to block judicial reform

The president of Mexico, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, warned last Friday that the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN) would commit an “aberration” if he blocks a controversial constitutional reform that proposes the popular election of judges and ministers.

López Obrador, the author of the bill, thus criticized the decision of the president of the Supreme Court, Norma Piña, who on September 5 decided to consult her colleagues to find out whether the court is competent to stop the reform that is advancing in Congress, as requested by judicial officials on strike through a legal recourse.

“I feel that they have no legal basis, it would be an aberration and of course a flagrant violation of the Constitution. “The process of analysis, discussion and, if necessary, approval of the reform is halted,” said the president in his usual press conference. “It would be like opting for the law of the jungle, making it clear that they do not care about democracy or justice,” he added.

Continue reading:
• Mexican judge orders halt to AMLO’s judicial reform
• US senators say they are “concerned” about AMLO’s judicial reform
• AMLO “pauses” his relationship with US and Canadian embassies over judicial reform