Monday, September 16

The 7 chakras: what symptoms do you feel when they are blocked?

The 7 chakras are energy centers located throughout your body and are closely linked to your physical, emotional and spiritual health.

When someone gets blocked, You may experience a variety of symptoms that affect different aspects of your life..

It is crucial to recognize these signs in order to take the necessary steps to unblock and balance the chakras, thus restoring harmony to your being.

Next, find out How to identify which chakra is blocked.

First Chakra: Muladhara or Root Chakra

The root chakra is located at the base of the spine and is associated with safety, survival, and our basic needs.

What symptoms indicate that the first chakra is blocked?

Constant feeling of insecurity and fear.
Problems in the legs, feet or spine.
Lack of stability in personal or professional life.
Chronic fatigue and lack of energy.
When the root chakra is blocked, you may feel disconnected from reality, anxious, and in constant danger.

This imbalance can manifest itself physically in problems with the lower extremities and the excretory system.

Second Chakra: Svadhisthana or Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is located in the lower abdomen and is related to creativity, sexuality and emotions.

What symptoms reveal that the second chakra is blocked?

Problems with libido or sexuality.
Decreased creativity or creative block.
Emotional imbalance, such as feelings of guilt or shame.
Reproductive organ disorders or menstrual problems.

When the sacral chakra is blocked, you may feel emotionally unstable, having difficulty enjoying life or expressing your creativity.

Problems in personal relationships may also arise due to the inability to connect emotionally.

Third Chakra: Manipura or Solar Plexus Chakra

The solar plexus chakra is located in the stomach area and is linked to self-esteem, personal power and will.

What symptoms indicate that the third chakra is blocked?

Lack of self-confidence and low self-esteem.
Digestive problems, such as ulcers or gastritis.
Feeling of helplessness or lack of control in life.
Impulsive decision making or inability to make decisions.

A blockage in the solar plexus chakra can lead you to feel lost or unmotivated, with difficulty taking control of your life.

Physically, this manifests itself in digestive problems and stomach-related disorders.

Fourth Chakra: Anahata or Heart Chakra

The heart chakra is located in the center of the chest and is related to love, compassion, and connection with others.

How to know if the fourth chakra is blocked?

Difficulty giving or receiving love.
Feelings of loneliness or isolation.
Heart or respiratory problems.
Resentment and difficulty in forgiving.

When the heart chakra is blocked, you may feel emotionally closed off, having trouble maintaining healthy, loving relationships.

This imbalance can also affect your cardiovascular and lung health.

Fifth Chakra: Vishuddha or Throat Chakra

The throat chakra is located in the neck area and is associated with communication, expression and truth.

What symptoms indicate that the fifth chakra is blocked?

Difficulty communicating or expressing feelings.
Problems with the throat, neck or thyroid glands.
Fear of speaking in public or being heard.
Feeling of not being understood or heard by others.

A blocked throat chakra can prevent you from expressing yourself clearly, which can affect both your personal and professional life.

In addition, it can manifest itself in physical problems such as sore throat or thyroid-related diseases.

Sixth Chakra: Ajna or Third Eye Chakra

The third eye chakra is located on the forehead, between the eyebrows, and is related to intuition, perception and inner wisdom.

How do I know if the sixth chakra is blocked?

Difficulty visualizing or imagining.
Frequent headaches or vision problems.
Confusion, lack of mental clarity, or difficulty concentrating.
Disconnection from intuition or feeling “lost.”

When the third eye chakra is blocked, you may feel disconnected from your intuition and have trouble making clear decisions.

Physically, this can manifest itself in headaches or vision-related problems.

Seventh Chakra: Sahasrara or Crown Chakra

The crown chakra is located at the top of the head and is associated with spirituality, connection to the universe and enlightenment.

What symptoms indicate that the seventh chakra is blocked?

Feeling of spiritual disconnection or lack of purpose.
Depression, apathy or hopelessness.
Difficulty finding inner peace or feeling happiness.
Neurological problems or mental disorders.

A blockage in the crown chakra can lead you to feel disconnected from your spirituality and life purpose, which can result in a deep sense of emptiness or hopelessness.

This can manifest itself in emotional disorders and neurological problems.

How to unblock the chakras?

To balance and unblock the chakras, it is essential to practice meditation techniques, yoga, and use energy healing therapies such as reiki or crystal therapy.

You can also incorporate positive affirmations and work with colors or essential oils associated with each chakra.

Listening to your body and paying attention to symptoms is the first step towards wellness.

Keeping your chakras balanced will allow you to live a full, connected and harmonious life.

Continue reading:
• How to cleanse your chakras after a stormy breakup
• How to open the third eye: exercises to activate this energy vortex
• How to balance your 7 chakras using plants