Monday, September 16

The 3 signs that should listen to their intuition right now

If you have a hunch, this month is the best time to follow it, especially if you belong to one of these 3 zodiac signs.

The intuition of Leo, Virgo and Pisces will be sharper in SeptemberIf you know how to listen, you can make great progress.

This has been revealed by an astrologer from; in her predictions, asks these 3 zodiac signs to pay special attention to the whispers of their inner voice and explained why.

Leo (July 23 – August 22)

Leo, this month you will find yourself in intense situations. However, it is not all about external action; there is an internal call for you to stay in tune with your inner voice.

It is important that you observe your emotional reactions before acting.

It is crucial that you do not give in to sudden impulses or the temptation to react quickly to challenges.

Take time to breathe, reflect and allow your intuition to guide you, the astrologer recommended.

You will be able to feel if you are on the right track when your body responds with calm and relaxation, especially in the chest and stomach area.

Oppression will give way to a feeling of warmth and tranquility when you make decisions aligned with your instinct.

If you experience restlessness or persistent thoughts about a topic, it is a sign that your intuition is trying to direct your attention toward something important.

Listen to those signals, and use this month to forge a deeper connection with your emotions.

Key lesson for Leo: intuition will help you make clear and balanced decisions.

Listen to that inner voice before acting, and it will guide you towards more conscious solutions aligned with your true self.

Virgo (August 23 – September 22)

Virgo, your careful and detailed nature can be a strength or a hindrance.

You often find yourself doubting the unknown, preferring a practical and analytical approach to any decision.

However, this month you will be faced with the opportunity to combine that prudence with intuition to make even better decisions.

Your innate ability to detect potential threats or problems is a great advantage, but you must be careful not to let mistrust prevent you from enjoying new experiences.

Getting out of your comfort zone will allow you to experience moments that will enrich your life.

Although your protective instincts keep you safe, sometimes it is necessary to venture beyond the familiar.

This month, your intuition can be a key guide in deciding when to venture out and when to back off.

Strive to find a balance between caution and curiosity.

Key lesson for Virgo: intuition is not only for avoiding problems, but also for discovering new experiences that enrich your life.

Listen to your protective instincts, but allow yourself to venture into the unknown when your intuition suggests it.

Pisces (February 19 – March 20)

Pisces, your intuition has always been one of your most valuable gifts.

As a water sign, you have a special ability to perceive energies, emotions and situations before they fully manifest.

In September 2024, this gift will intensify, giving you special clarity to navigate your professional and personal aspirations.

At times, your intuition can feel almost prophetic. This month, you may have a sense of knowing what someone is going to say before they speak, or anticipating a problem at work before it becomes apparent to others.

Trust that insight and use it to your advantage. This month, opportunities for professional growth may arise unexpectedly, and your intuition will be key to making the right decisions.

Key lesson for Pisces: Your intuition is a powerful tool for professional and personal success.

Don’t hesitate to trust your hunches, as they will guide you to opportunities that others might overlook.

Continue reading:
• 3 zodiac signs begin a cycle of prosperity in September
• The strategy that will make your sign more successful in money
• Zodiac signs that singles should look out for in 2024