Monday, September 16

Good news! California lifts drought alert for 19 counties

California Governor Gavin Newsom announced on Wednesday that the state of emergency was being lifted in 19 countieswhich cover the majority of the population, due to the drought that has affected the state in recent years.

Good news! California lifts drought emergency in 19 counties

Newsom issued this Wednesday the executive order to lift restrictions in affected counties after recent winters filled with rain and snow that helped end drought conditions across much of the state.

“As this week’s weather makes clear, California and the West are experiencing extreme climate changes that exacerbate our water challenges and make it more important than ever that we build a climate-resilient water system“Newsom said.

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The end of emergency protocols covers the 19 counties along the coast and desert regions of the state, where 70% of California residents live.

However, Restrictions still apply in 39 counties with areas where drought remains a persistent problemwhere groundwater supplies are depleted, causing domestic wells to fail, harming native fish.

These areas include regions such as Tulare Lake Basin, Sacramento and San Joaquin River Basinsas well as several watersheds in Northern California.

Keep reading:California is virtually drought-free, according to the U.S. Drought Monitor

The order was based on action taken by Newsom’s office in March 2023 to end some of the state’s water restrictions following severe winter storms that helped end the drought that plagued California from 2020 to 2022.

However, some provisions remain that allow state agencies Protecting California’s water supplies for the future.

“This specific action responds to current conditions “While continuing to provide tools and support for ongoing work to help ensure future water supplies to the hardest-hit communities,” Newsom said.

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California counties in which Drought emergency restrictions lifted They are: Imperial, Inyo, Los Angeles, Marin, Mendocino, Mono, Monterey, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, San Diego, San Francisco, San Luis Obispo, San Mateo, Santa Barbara, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz, Sonoma and Ventura.

Among the provisions that were eliminated by the executive order issued by the governor apply to water waste, such as car washing, use of decorative fountains and watering of sidewalks.

An estimated 41.9% of California, mostly in the desert bordering Arizona as well as parts of the northern part of the state, remains in the “abnormally dry” categorythe second-lowest rating from the U.S. Drought Monitor.

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On the map, you can see that the regions near the borders with Oregon and Nevada, which represents approximately 6.9% of California, were classified in the moderate drought category.

According to the California Department of Water Resources, Droughts are a recurring feature of the state’s climate..

Previously, Notable droughts affected California between 2012-2016, 2007-2009, 1987-1992, 1976-1977 and between 1920-1930.

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The Public Policy Institute of California, a nonpartisan think tank, said that Climate change has intensified droughts by reducing snowfall and increasing evaporation.

According to Governor Newsom, the drier weather could reduce California’s water supply by up to 10% by 2040.

Keep reading:
· Less than 9% of California’s territory is experiencing drought conditions
· California snowfall nears record high ever recorded in state
· Winter storms recharge California reservoirs