Sunday, September 15

“LCDLFM 2”: Andrea Legarreta speaks out on the departure of Adrián Marcelo

Avatar of Julio Cortes

By Julio Cortes

04 Sep 2024, 12:52 PM EDT

Andrea Legarreta He always expressed his displeasure at the way in which Adrian Marcelo behaved in “The House of the Famous Mexico 2”and after the departure of the youtuber Early Wednesday morning, she took to her account Instagram to post a long message about it.

Adrian Marcelo leaves the House of the Famous Mexico

The host of the program “Today” He wrote: “Checkmate? Checkmate to evil, to misogyny, checkmate to whoever thought that we would find it entertaining and fun that a guy wanted to take someone out of a game, with a heart attack in an ambulance.”

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Legarreta also criticized the comments that Adrián made about the women who participated in the reality: “Checkmate for the guy who openly said the worst insults to the women he “played” with and thought it was funny.”

Andrea said she was confident that the program will change from today, without the presence of the comedian regiomontano. “Today the public wins!! Today the house of the famous people and the other members win!! Because that CANNOT BE JUSTIFIED by saying that it is “entertainment”…IT IS NOT FUN and it never will be.”

Tuesday night Gala Montes He got into a heated argument with Adrian Marceloand hours later he asked to leave “The House of the Famous Mexico 2”. Andrea Legarreta She also expressed her support for the actress, with the text: “Gala… YOU ARE NOT ALONE!! When you leave that house you will be able to realize that!! I long for your peace of mind!! Your mental and emotional peace… We are a GREAT majority that supports you!! Love for you, beautiful!! @galamontes BRAVE WARRIOR!! 🙌🏻♥️”

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