Saturday, October 5

Juan Osorio says he will never give Sian Chong a job

Avatar of Julio Cortes

By Julio Cortes

01 Sep 2024, 15:55 PM EDT

The members of Team Earth in “The House of the Famous Mexico 2” They have not been supported by the artistic guild due to their behavior with the other participants of the reality showbut now Juan Osorioproducer of soap operas and the play “Adventuress”gave his opinion on Adrian Marcelo, Augustin Fernandez, Ricardo Peralta and Sian Chong; of the latter he commented that under no circumstances would he give him work on any of his projects.

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Interviewed by Shanik Berman, Osorio said he disapproves of Chong’s actions, who was seen on video spitting out food that was to be consumed by the house’s residents. “Just tell me who in their head would spit on a coworker’s food. Never treat a waiter badly, because who knows what they will do to your food when they bring it to you, but once you see it from a coworker, it’s the limit. It’s sad, regrettable.”

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Juan said that for him the men who are in Team Earth are not examples to follow: “I can’t stand three of them, which is obviously Sian, the Cuban; I can’t stand the guy from Monterrey and I can’t stand the gay guy, Ricardo. I can’t stand them for the human beings they are, and what a way to attack women. You’ll see, now that they come out they’re going to hit a wall.because sometimes… Look, these people are sometimes like addicts. You can say that you are in recovery, that you are fine, but if you smoke a cigarette, if you have a drink, it is false. The only one who is wrong is you, because you know that your conscience does not let you. That is how these people are. When they get out, they will know perfectly well that their conscience and everything they did was to destroy.”

Shanik asked the producer if he would give him a job. Sian Chongsince he expressed his desire to appear in one of his soap operas. “But in life! There cannot be people so ungrateful to a country when it spits out its food. That is disrespectful, you cannot forgive that to anyone. And besides, He doesn’t realize that suddenly, just as there are nice Mexicans, nice Cubans, there are Cubans who are truly unbearable.”

Upon arrival at one of the performances of the play “Adventuress” Osorio mentioned again that it is impossible for Sian to work with him. “I would not give the Cuban a job. It is not fair to be disrespectful and spit on food. You do not forgive anyone for that.” The other boy from Monterrey seemed to me to be totally disrespectful, and it is not possible that you give him space with so much rating so that he comes to mistreat women. There are limits, there is respect. And the other human being, Agustín, seems to me to be a disastrous person. A person… what a way of speaking, what a way of kick the manger. And Ricardo, well, he has no place in this environment. Nothing happens, it’s that simple.”

Continue reading:

  • “LCDLFM 2”: Karime rejects Sian’s advances
  • “LCDLFM 2”: Residents enjoy the second “movie night”
  • “LCDLFM 2”: Sian Chong criticizes Wendy Guevara, and she responds