Saturday, September 14

The 3 zodiac signs that have the shortest relationships

While some zodiac signs are known for their loyalty and desire for long-term relationships, Others tend to experience intense but fleeting loves..

According to astrologer Michelle Bell, founder of the astrology app Cosmic Fusion, 3 signs are particularly prone to short-term relationships and change partners more frequently.

These signs are Aries, Gemini, and Sagittarius.

Why do these signs tend to have shorter romantic relationships and what does it mean for their love lives?

Aries (March 21 – April 19)

Aries, the first sign of the zodiac, is known for its bold energy and unwavering passion.

Ruled by Mars, the planet of action and desire, Aries is a fire sign that dives headfirst into relationships, always ready to light the spark of love.

However, this initial intensity can be both a blessing and a curse.

Aries is great at initiating things, but their impatient nature and constant desire for novelty can cause them to lose interest quickly.

Bell pointed out to Bustle that Aries gets excited easily at the beginning of a relationship, when everything is new and exciting.

However, when the novelty begins to wear off and the daily routine sets in, Aries can feel trapped and disinterested.

It’s common for an Aries to end a relationship after a minor argument or misunderstanding, or simply because someone else has caught their attention.

Another characteristic of Aries is their desire for independence.

This sign values ​​their freedom above all else and can quickly withdraw when they feel a relationship is becoming too serious or demanding.

For these reasons, it is rare for an Aries to maintain a relationship for more than six months.

Gemini (May 21 – June 20)

Gemini, an air sign ruled by Mercury, is known for its duality and changeable nature.

Gemini is one of the most social and communicative signs of the zodiac, always looking for new experiences and people to share them with.

However, this same need for constant stimulation is what makes Gemini have difficulty maintaining long-lasting relationships.

According to Bell, Gemini falls in love quickly, but falls out of love even faster.

Although they may think they want a stable relationship, the reality is that they get bored easily and are always looking for the next big adventure.

Gemini’s restless energy has them constantly exploring new options, which can lead them to jump from one relationship to another without much consideration.

Sagittarius (November 22 – December 21)

Sagittarius, a fire sign ruled by Jupiter, the planet of expansion and adventure, is known for their love of freedom and desire to explore the world.

Sagittarius is a free spirit, always ready to embark on new experiences and meet interesting people.

However, this same adventurous nature can make their relationships fleeting and difficult to maintain.

Bell explains that Sagittarius is the type of person who falls in love easily, but rarely stays in a relationship for long.

This sign can have passionate romances with all kinds of people, from coworkers to strangers they meet on their travels.

However, these relationships are unlikely to last more than a month, as Sagittarius is always looking for the next thrill.

For Sagittarius, freedom is key. This sign doesn’t want to feel tied down or limited by a relationship, and prefers to have the flexibility to change direction at any time.

What does this mean for relationships with these signs?

If you find yourself in a relationship with Aries, Gemini, or Sagittarius, it is important to understand that these signs value novelty, freedom, and independence.

Relationships with them can be exciting and full of passion at first, but they can also be unstable and difficult to maintain in the long term.

If you’re looking for a long-lasting relationship with one of these signs, it’s crucial to give them space, keep things interesting, and not try to limit or control them.

Continue reading:
• Women of the Zodiac who don’t need a boyfriend to be happy
• Which zodiac signs should not sleep together?
• The 5 most selfish zodiac signs in love: which ones are they?