Saturday, September 14

China urges US to reduce nuclear arsenal and contribute to global strategic stability

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By The Opinion

Aug 30, 2024, 01:25 AM EDT

Noting that the United States has created a severe threat to global strategic stability, China reiterated its “firm opposition” to the expansion of the US nuclear arsenal and condemned Washington’s “irresponsibility” in nuclear disarmament, under what Beijing describes as the pretext of a non-existent “Chinese nuclear threat.”

China is urging the U.S. to substantially reduce its arsenal and stop the proliferation of nuclear materials and technology, Defense Ministry spokesman Wu Qian said, according to the official Xinhua news agency.

China pursues a nuclear self-defense strategy and keeps its nuclear force at the minimum level required for its national security, Wu said.

At a press conference, Wu reiterated the country’s policy of “no first use of nuclear weapons.”

The spokesman for the military ministry also denounced the significant investment by the United States in the miniaturization of nuclear weapons for use in real combat, describing this policy as a “serious threat” to global strategic stability.

“It is common knowledge that the United States possesses the largest nuclear arsenal in the world and pursues a policy that allows the use of nuclear weapons in the first place,” he added.

Besides, Beijing has previously called on the “P5” nuclear powers (the US, Russia, France, the UK and India) to negotiate a treaty on no first use of nuclear weapons, reaffirming its commitment to a nuclear self-defense strategy.

The remarks come amid heightened tensions following a New York Times report that US President Joe Biden has approved a strategic plan to focus US nuclear policy on expanding China’s arsenal, sparking “grave concern” in Beijing.

*With information from EFE.

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