Saturday, September 14

Yordi Rosado Underwent A Vasectomy, And This Is The Reason!

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By Eili Cordova

Aug 28, 2024, 11:42 PM EDT

Host and producer Yordi Rosado has surprised his followers by sharing a vlog video on his social networks, where he documents his experience undergoing a vasectomy. In this video, Yordi relives the procedure he underwent six years ago and details the personal reasons that led him to make this decision.

As a father of three children — Elías, Santiago and Regina — Yordi decided to close the stage of fatherhood in his life. In the video, he describes the vasectomy as an “outpatient operation,” meaning that you go in and out on the same day. While in the operating room, he explained that this procedure can be performed in both public health centers and private hospitals.

Beyond his personal experience, Yordi used this platform to send a message of awareness to other men who might be considering this step.

“For me it was very important to try to raise awareness about why a man would make the decision to have a vasectomy,” he said. He stressed the importance of men taking responsibility for family planning and supporting their partners, saying it is essential to balance the burdens and decisions in a relationship.

The host also reflected on economic factors and the desire to spend quality time with his children, which influenced his decision to “close the family factory.” His video has generated a variety of reactions on social media, where many users have praised his transparency and courage in addressing a topic that is still considered taboo by some.

Through his vlog, Yordi not only shows the procedure itself, but also opens a space to reflect on the importance of communication and co-responsibility in couples’ decisions, promoting a necessary dialogue about family planning and the role of men in it.

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