Saturday, September 14

Mexican congresswoman was kidnapped along with her driver while traveling on the highway

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By The Opinion

28 Aug 2024, 14:42 PM EDT

The insecurity experienced in Mexico reached the federal deputy White Alcalawho was the victim of an express kidnapping on the Mexico-Puebla highway, after the car in which she was traveling with her driver was intercepted in the early hours of August 27, near the municipality of Chalco, State of Mexico.

The criminals used a tire-puncture device to stop the car in which the deputy was travelling; then, they drove her and her driver to a vacant lot, where other people who were also deprived of their liberty were located.

The deputy and her companion They were stripped of their belongingsphones, wallets, bank cards, as well as personal data, in order to extort money from their relatives.

According to Mexican media such as the newspaper Milenio, the criminals released Blanca Alcalá after realizing her position as a federal deputy. However, her accounts were emptied before she was released.

Fortunately, neither the federal deputy of the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI) and vice president of the Chamber of Deputies, nor her companion, suffered injuries, only anxiety attacks.

Juan Carlos Valero, a Puebla-based communicator, published on his X account that his colleague Martha Salvatori managed to communicate with the PRI member, who told him that She was safe and sound, but very distraught..

For its part, the PRI condemned the events: “We stand in solidarity with our deputy and her collaborator for the criminal act of which they were victims on the Mexico-Puebla highway.”

They also demanded greater security on the roads, particularly from state authorities, headed by Governor Sergio Salomón: “We demand that the authorities reinforce security on this road, which has become a real red zone,” they said.

The deputy, speaking about this fact, mentioned being very dismayed: “Fortunately, we are well and we have the possibility of enjoying our families and continuing our lives, now with concern and fearbut from now on with the same enthusiasm,” he commented.

Although the corresponding complaints have already been filed, no one has yet been arrested for these events.

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– Two American women killed in attempted robbery in Sonora.
– Residents of Tabasco film the kidnapping of a young man who later appeared dismembered.