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Canada says it has no intention of interfering in Mexican politics after AMLO's “pause”

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Aug 28, 2024, 1:59 PM EDT

Canada has assured that it has no intention of interfering in Mexico’s internal politics following the “pause” in relations announced on Tuesday by President Andrés Manuel López Obrador, but added that Canadian investors have expressed concern about the constitutional reforms proposed by the Mexican government.

A spokesperson for Canada’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs told EFE on Wednesday that Ottawa “fully respects Mexican sovereignty and has no intention of intervening in Mexico’s internal affairs.”

“Canada deeply values ​​its relationship with Mexico, a key ally, neighbour and friend,” the spokesperson added, noting that Canadian Foreign Minister, Mélanie Joly recently concluded a “successful” bilateral visit to the Latin American country.

Canada says it has no intention of interfering in Mexican politics after the “pause” decreed by AMLO
Canadian Foreign Minister Mélanie Joly. Canada has assured that it has no intention of interfering in Mexico’s internal politics.
Credit: Orestis Panagiotou | EFE

But the Canadian government also assured that “Canadian investors in Mexico have expressed concerns about proposed constitutional reforms that could impact confidence on which they depend to advance trade and investments with Mexico.”

On Tuesday, López Obrador announced the “pause” of relations with the Canadian and U.S. embassies in Mexico after diplomats from those two countries warned about the risks of the reform to elect the judiciary by popular vote in Mexico that has been proposed by the Mexican president.

López Obrador also questioned the fact that the ambassadors of the two countries expressed their concerns at the same time.

“What a coincidence that at the same time that they are speaking out in Mexico through the Embassy (of the United States), the Canadians are doing so? Which is also embarrassing, with all due respect to the Government of Canada, I mean, it seems like an associated state, together,” the Mexican president questioned.

On Wednesday, López Obrador expanded on his remarks by pointing out that the relationship continues” with the governments of the United States and Canada despite the “pause” of relations with the embassies.

“The relationship with governments continues, with Canada and the United States”Yes, it is only with the embassies and, especially, with the ambassador of Canada and the United States because it is not their place to give opinions on matters that only concern Mexicans, it is a matter of respect for our country,” said the president.

With information from EFE.

Continue reading:
• AMLO will send a letter to Joe Biden to denounce US interference in Mexico
• US senators say they are “concerned” about AMLO’s judicial reform
• AMLO “pauses” his relationship with US and Canadian embassies over judicial reform