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AMLO says relations continue with the US and Canada despite the “pause” with embassies

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By The Opinion

Aug 28, 2024, 1:35 PM EDT

Mexican President Andrés Manuel López Obrador said on Wednesday that “The relationship continues” with the governments of the United States and Canada despite the “pause” he announced on Tuesday with the embassies of both countries due to his concerns about Mexico’s judicial reform.

“The relationship with the governments continues, with Canada and the United States, it is only with the embassies. and, in particular, with the ambassador of Canada and the United States because it is not their place to give opinions on matters that only concern Mexicans, it is a matter of respect for our country,” he said in his daily press conference.

The president insisted on questioning the ambassadors of Washington, Ken Salazar, and Ottawa, Graeme C. Clarkwho last week warned of “concerns” from investors about the reform, which Congress will vote on in September so that judges and the Supreme Court will be elected by popular vote starting in 2025.

In particular, he criticized Salazar, who reiterated on Tuesday that “it is very worrying that the popular election of judges does not address judicial corruption or strengthen the judiciary.”

“Imagine if the US ambassador said that if judges are chosen, more or less, democracy is affected. “How is that? How is democracy affected?” he said.

AMLO says the relationship continues with the US and Canada despite
Justices of the Supreme Court of Mexico, led by Norma Piña, are against AMLO’s judicial reform.
Credit: Fernando Llano | AP

The reform would be approved before the 2026 review of the United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), which requires legal certainty for investments.

But Lopez Obrador questioned U.S. analysts and politicians who have argued that judicial reform would violate the trade agreement.

“They say: ‘ah, since we have a treaty, they are already like associated states, Mexico no longer has its not sovereign, they can no longer modify their Constitution, they cannot reform the laws. Truly, it is a decadent time,” he considered.

He also pointed out that “the pro-foreigners are getting excited,” referring to Mexican businessmen and opponents who have asked to halt the reform to protect the USMCA, since more than 80% of Mexico’s exports go to North America.

“Now they accuse us in the United States. And what would they want? That Mexico does not adjust its foreign policy to what our Constitution establishes? Our Constitution establishes that we are a free, independent and sovereign country. And this is not to fight with anyone, it is just to clarify things,” he concluded.

With information from EFE.

Continue reading:
• AMLO will send a letter to Joe Biden to denounce US interference in Mexico
• US senators say they are “concerned” about AMLO’s judicial reform
• AMLO “pauses” his relationship with US and Canadian embassies over judicial reform