Friday, September 13

Mexican-American achieves her dream of being part of the Mexican rugby team

Aimee Ramos always dreamed of being part of a women’s soccer team, but she never thought that her dream would come true representing Mexico and playing rugby.

“It is a pride to represent Mexico and an incredible honor to play for the Mexican national team. I have never seen my dad so happy. He played soccer all his life, but when he came from Jalisco to California, he left everything to support his family and with three jobs, he no longer had time for sports. Today he is living his dream through me,” she says.

Aimee, 25, is part of the Mexican rugby team and needs your support for the continuous trips she makes between San Francisco and Mexico City.

“CONADE (National Commission for Physical Culture and Sports) in Mexico covers all my expenses in Mexico. I stay in their facilities, they feed me and pay for international travel when we go out to compete, but I have to pay for my plane tickets from the United States to Mexico, which is why I am asking for donations from the community.”

Aimee Ramos, a Mexican-American who plays for the Mexican national rugby team. (Photos Aimee Ramos)
Credit: Courtesy

To help Aimee fulfill her greatest wish, you can go to the GoFundMe page: Help Aimee Ramos Fund Travel to Compete for Mexico

“I will be grateful for any help you can give me so I can continue this wonderful journey.”

Aimee’s dreams began in San Jose, California, where she was born, raised, and lives. Her mother, of Mexican descent, was also born in San Jose, but her father saw his first light in El Grullo, Jalisco.

He is currently a student pursuing a master’s degree in biomedical engineering at San Jose State University (Cal State San Jose), where he also graduated with a bachelor’s degree in the same field.

“I played soccer all my life, and when I entered university I had stopped, but I was very bored of doing nothing and when I went to look for a soccer club, I met someone who told me that he saw me as an athlete and invited me to rugby training. I loved playing rugby.”

Rugby or rugby football is a game that consists of carrying an oval ball beyond the opposing line, and in which the use of hands, feet and physical contact between players is permitted.

“There are two ways to play, between two teams of fifteen players or seven,” explains Aimee.

Aimee Ramos plays rugby for the Mexican national team. (Photos Aimee Ramos)
Credit: Courtesy

In 2021, the San Jose State University team he was part of won the division two national championship.

He has the position of scrum half (also called scrum half) who is part of the defenders, and is located at the beginning of the three-quarter line, and acts as a link between the defenders and forwards.

Aimee reveals that she enjoys the competition and the culture of rugby.

“It’s hard to explain how I feel when I play. It’s a beautiful and exciting thing, you can be throwing punches at the other team, and after the game, we’re all eating together.”

He says playing rugby has given his life structure and discipline. “I always have a schedule for everything I do, school and training.”

She was part of the 23rd university selection with the United States team, but a coach of the Overfelt Highschool in San José with connections with coaches in Mexico, was a key factor for him to be part of the Mexican rugby team.

“I never thought it was an option to go play in Mexico as part of the national team. The coach asked me to send her a video of me playing so she could send it to Mexico.”

Aimee Ramos achieves her dream of playing rugby with the Mexican national team. (Photos Aimee Ramos)
Credit: Courtesy

After a month, she received the good news: they liked the way she played and wanted to talk to her.

“I was invited to a rally in Mexico, but in order to go, I had to rush to get my Mexican citizenship, which I was entitled to because of my Mexican father.”

She obtained dual citizenship in March, and went to Mexico with her Mexican passport.

“I felt amazing. I had traveled to Jalisco many times with my family, but I had never been to Mexico City. I really liked that city.”

Aimee was not only amazed by the Mexican capital but also by her training sessions, her new friends and because she quickly joined the Mexican rugby team and has begun to travel to different parts of the world.

“To qualify we have to participate in different tournaments. We have already been to Poland and to the Olympic play-off in France.”

Rugby has taught Aimee Ramos discipline. (Photos Aimee Ramos)
Credit: Courtesy
Aimee Ramos, a master’s student at San Jose State University on the Mexican rugby team.
Credit: Courtesy

He confesses that his biggest dream is to go to the Olympics and the Rugby World Cup, but to achieve this they have to go through several Central American and Pan American tournaments, compete and win.

Until that moment arrives, this young Mexican-American feels honored and very excited to live the dream of playing for The Snakes as the Mexican Rugby Federation is known.

“It’s a dream come true that has come with some financial challenges, so I’m asking for your donations,” she says excitedly.