Thursday, September 12

The US and a dozen other nations reiterate their rejection of the results of the elections in Venezuela

Avatar of Evaristo Lara

By Evaristo Lara

Aug 23, 2024, 1:28 PM EDT

The United States, along with 10 other countries, has expressed its rejection of the ruling issued by the Supreme Court of Justice (TSJ) of Venezuela, which endorses the alleged electoral victory of President Nicolás Maduro and also reinforces its position of demanding an audit to demonstrate how the winner of the elections in the South American nation was defined.

Through a document that also includes the names of Costa Rica, Ecuador, Guatemala, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, the Dominican Republic and Uruguay, The US government is demanding a detailed review of the records that allegedly support the continuity of Maduro Morosa figure at the head of the Venezuelan government since 2013.

“Only an impartial and independent audit of the votes, which evaluates all the minutes, will guarantee respect for the sovereign popular will and democracy in Venezuela.”indicates part of the text.

So far, the main opposition groups to Chavez insist that the real winner of the elections held a few weeks ago was the veteran politician Edmundo González Urrutia.

However, until an audit is carried out confirming his possible victory, everything will remain up in the air.

Regardless of the results at the polls, a concern shared by the 11 nations that demand clarity on the Venezuelan electoral process is the violation of human rights reported by the relatives and friends of citizens who, upon taking to the streets to peacefully demand respect for their vote, have been violently detained by the police.

Various non-governmental organisations operating in Caracas have denounced the abuses committed by the authorities in depriving some citizens of their freedom without informing them of their whereabouts and conditions.

Despite the recommendations issued for Nicolás Maduro to take his hands off the electoral process, the 61-year-old from Caracas flatly denies that the will of the citizens is being violated.

Continue reading:

• Venezuela’s opposition rejects Supreme Court ruling that declares Maduro the winner of the elections

• Venezuelan Supreme Court controlled by Chavez certified Maduro’s “victory” in presidential elections

• Maduro proclaimed president of Venezuela amid protests and international rejection