Friday, September 20

The appliance you should unplug to save energy and short circuit

Arlenys Tabare's avatar

By Arlenys Tabare

Aug 20, 2024, 6:29 PM EDT

Faced with high electricity bills due to rising inflation, many consumers have chosen to change their consumption habits in order to pay the high prices for basic services.

According to the United States Department of Energy (DOE) There are some appliances in the home that, despite not being used all the time, continue to consume energy. If they remain connected, these devices are known as “energy vampires.”

“Some of these appliances can cause a substantial increase in your energy consumption, costing you and your family hundreds of dollars a year,” the DOE said. That is why It is recommended to unplug appliances that are not constantly in use. in order to reduce monthly household bills, especially those on the kitchen counter.

Besides, Experts advise not only to disconnect them to avoid paying more, but also as a precaution against a possible short circuit.These appliances include the microwave, coffee maker, blender and air fryer.

These appliances are added to cell phone chargers, computers, extension cords, televisions, lamps, electric blankets, electric brushes, hair straighteners, shaving equipment and routers. Making these changes at home could save up to more than $50 dollars on monthly bills.

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